#不具名,可以整体重新定义,不能按索引这样的方式单独赋值dimensions = (5, 10)print(dimensions)#(5, 10)dimensions = (5, 15);print(dimensions)#(5, 15)
#具名from collections import namedtupleclass Point: def __init__(self, x, y, z): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z#上面的代码与下面的等价Point = namedtuple("Point", ["x", "y", "z"])point = Point(x=1, y=2, z=3)print(point.x) #1# 获取所有字段名print( point._fields )# 也可以通过一个list来创建一个User对象,这里注意需要使用"_make"方法user = Point._make(['Runoob', 'male', 12])# 修改对象属性,注意要使用"_replace"方法user = user._replace(x=22)print(user.x)
str = ["a", "b", "c"];squars = list(range(0,5)); squars[0:4] #相当于sub; squars1 = squars[:] @复制整个列表squars = [va**2 for va in range(10)]>>[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81] #列表解析,主要是省代码行;
# tuple decompressionnum_tup = (1, 2)x, y = num_tupprint(f'x is:{x}, y is:{y}') #x is:1, y is:2#----------------------------------------------# 变量个数和序列元素的个数要匹配,否则产生异常num_tup = (1, 2)try: x, y, z = num_tupexcept Exception as ex: print(f'出错了,出错原因:{ex}') #not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)#---------------------------------------------# list object decompressionobj_list = ['abc', 10, 22.2, (2020, 3, 15)]str_obj, int_obj, float_obj, tuple_obj = obj_listprint(f'tuple_obj is:{tuple_obj}') #tuple_obj is:(2020, 3, 15)#---------------------------------------------# int,float,tuple object decompressionstr_obj, int_obj, float_obj, (year, month, day) = obj_listprint(f'year is:{year}, month is:{month}, day is:{day}') #year is:2020, month is:3, day is:15
def dedupe_1(items): seen = set() for item in items: if item not in seen: yield item seen.add(item)sequence_v = [1, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3]print(list(dedupe_1(sequence_v)))#[1, 2, 3, 5]
from collections import Counterwords = [ 'python', 'c++', 'abc', 'php', 'mysql', 'java', 'c#', '.net', 'ruby', 'lisp', 'python', 'python', 'mongodb', 'hive', 'spark', 'go', 'vb', 'java', "python", 'c', 'ios', 'sql', 'python', 'java', 'c++', 'hbase', 'go', "java", 'c++']word_counts = Counter(words)frequency_num = 2# 出现频率最高的 frequency_num 个单词top_three = word_counts.most_common(frequency_num)print(f'出现频率最高的{frequency_num}个单词是:{top_three}')#出现频率最高的2个单词是:[('python', 5), ('java', 4)]print(f"python出现频率:{word_counts['python']}")#python出现频率:5print(f"go出现频率:{word_counts['go']}")#go出现频率:2more_words = ['python','java','go']for word in more_words: word_counts[word] += 1print(f"python出现频率:{word_counts['python']}")#python出现频率:6print(f"go出现频率:{word_counts['go']}")#go出现频率:3more_words = ['python','java','python']word_counts.update(more_words)print(f"python出现频率:{word_counts['python']}")#python出现频率:8print(f"go出现频率:{word_counts['go']}")#go出现频率:3"""the object of a is:Counter({'python': 5, 'java': 4, 'c++': 3, 'go': 2, 'abc': 1, 'php': 1, 'mysql': 1, 'c#': 1, '.net': 1, 'ruby': 1, 'lisp': 1, 'mongodb': 1, 'hive': 1, 'spark': 1, 'vb': 1, 'c': 1, 'ios': 1, 'sql': 1, 'hbase': 1})the object of b is:Counter({'python': 2, 'java': 1})the object of c is:Counter({'python': 7, 'java': 5, 'c++': 3, 'go': 2, 'abc': 1, 'php': 1, 'mysql': 1, 'c#': 1, '.net': 1, 'ruby': 1, 'lisp': 1, 'mongodb': 1, 'hive': 1, 'spark': 1, 'vb': 1, 'c': 1, 'ios': 1, 'sql': 1, 'hbase': 1})the object of d is:Counter({'python': 3, 'c++': 3, 'java': 3, 'go': 2, 'abc': 1, 'php': 1, 'mysql': 1, 'c#': 1, '.net': 1, 'ruby': 1, 'lisp': 1, 'mongodb': 1, 'hive': 1, 'spark': 1, 'vb': 1, 'c': 1, 'ios': 1, 'sql': 1, 'hbase': 1})"""a_obj = Counter(words)b_obj = Counter(more_words)print(f'the object of a is:{a_obj}')print(f'the object of b is:{b_obj}')c_obj = a_obj + b_objprint(f'the object of c is:{c_obj}')d_obj = a_obj - b_objprint(f'the object of d is:{d_obj}')
exp_list = [1, 4, -5, 10, -7, 2, 3, -1]print([n for n in exp_list if n > 0])print([n for n in exp_list if n < 0])"""上面的方法会占用大量的内存,这种生成器会性能好很多"""pos_items = (n for n in exp_list if n > 0)for item in pos_items: print(item)"""利用filter函数创建一个迭代器"""val_list = ['1', '2', '-3', '-', '4', 'N/A', '5']def is_int(val): try: int(val) return True except ValueError: return Falsenew_val_list = list(filter(is_int, val_list))print(new_val_list)"""过滤时替换值"""import mathprint([math.sqrt(n) for n in exp_list if n > 0])print([n if n > 0 else 0 for n in exp_list])print([n if n < 0 else 0 for n in exp_list])"""compress适用于用另一个序列来过滤当前序列的情况"""done_work = [ 'read book', 'running', 'work', 'basketball', 'table tennis', 'bike', 'read 20 pages', 'running 5km',]counts = [ 0, 3, 10, 4, 1, 7, 6, 1]from itertools import compressmore5 = [n > 5 for n in counts]print(more5)print(list(compress(done_work, more5)))
num_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]print(sum(x * x for x in num_list))import osfile_list = os.listdir('dirname')if any(name.endswith('.py') for name in file_list): print('There be python!')else: print('Sorry, no python.')# Output a tuple as CSVcourse = ('python', 20, 0.3)print(','.join(str(x) for x in course))# Data reduction across fields of a data structurecourse_info = [ {'name':'python', 'score': 100.0}, {'name':'java', 'score': 85.0}, {'name':'c', 'score': 90.0}, {'name':'c++', 'score': 95.0}]min_score = min(cf['score'] for cf in course_info)print(min_score)# 显式的传递一个生成器表达式对象print(sum((x * x for x in num_list)))# 更加优雅的实现方式,省略了括号print(sum(x * x for x in num_list))num_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]print(sum([x * x for x in num_list]))print(min(cf['score'] for cf in course_info))print(min(course_info, key=lambda cf: cf['score']))
alien_0 = {"color":"green", "points":5};color = alien_0["color"]#当key不存在时报KeyError异常print(alien_0["color"]);#greenalien_0["color"] = "red";#修改值print(alien_0["color"]);#redalien_0["age"] = 15;#添加值,注意此处的添加和修改值之间的差别del alien_0["age"];#删除值for k, v in alien_0.items():#iterator print(k+"-"+str(v));for k in alien_0.keys():#iterator,可以用sorted(alien_0.keys())顺序输出 print(k);for v in alien_0.values():#iterator,可以用set(alien_0.values())去掉重复值 print(v);
course_score = { '高等代数': 100.0, '算法与数据结构': 92.0, '编译原理': 88.5, '数学分析': 97.5, '统计学原理': 90.5}min_score = min(zip(course_score.values(), course_score.keys()))print(f'最低得分课程及得分:{min_score[1]} {min_score[0]}')max_score = max(zip(course_score.values(), course_score.keys()))print(f'最高得分课程及得分:{max_score[1]} {max_score[0]}')"""sorted"""score_sorted = sorted(zip(course_score.values(), course_score.keys()))print(score_sorted)score_and_course = zip(course_score.values(), course_score.keys())# ok,print is normalprint(min(score_and_course))print(min(course_score)) # 数学分析print(max(course_score)) # 高等代数print(min(course_score.values())) # 88.5print(max(course_score.values())) # 100.0print(min(course_score, key=lambda k: course_score[k])) # 编译原理print(max(course_score, key=lambda k: course_score[k])) # 高等代数
a_dict = { 'x' : 1, 'y' : 2, 'z' : 3}b_dict = { 'w' : 10, 'x' : 11, 'y' : 2}# Find keys in common ,{'y', 'x'}print(a_dict.keys() & b_dict.keys())# Find keys in a that are not in b, {'z'}print(a_dict.keys() - b_dict.keys())# Find (key,value) pairs in common, {('y', 2)}print(a_dict.items() & b_dict.items())# Make a new dictionary with certain keys removedc = {key:a_dict[key] for key in a_dict.keys() - {'z', 'w'}}print(c) # c is {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
score_dict = { 'math': 95.0, 'java': 90.5, 'python': 100.0, 'sql': 93.0, 'english': 75.5}# Make a dictionary of all score over 92,dict推导方式实现p1 = {key: value for key, value in score_dict.items() if value > 92}print(p1)#{'math': 95.0, 'python': 100.0, 'sql': 93.0}# Make a dictionary of tech skilltech_names = {'python', 'sql', 'java'}p2 = {key: value for key, value in score_dict.items() if key in tech_names}print(p2)#{'java': 90.5, 'python': 100.0, 'sql': 93.0}#这种利用元组的方式比上个例子快一倍的速度p1 = dict((key, value) for key, value in score_dict.items() if value > 92)
from collections import defaultdictdefault_dict = defaultdict(list)default_dict['a'].append(1)default_dict = defaultdict(set)default_dict['a'].add(1)d_dict = dict()d_dict.setdefault('a', []).append(1)
from collections import OrderedDictordered_dict = OrderedDict()ordered_dict['a'] = 1ordered_dict['d'] = 'abc'ordered_dict['c'] = 'hello world'for key in ordered_dict: print(f'get key is:{key}, value is:{ordered_dict[key]}')
a_dict = {'x': 1, 'z': 3 }b_dict = {'y': 2, 'z': 4 }from collections import ChainMapc_dict = ChainMap(a_dict, b_dict)# Outputs 1 (from a_dict)print(c_dict['x'])# Outputs 2 (from b_dict)print(c_dict['y'])# Outputs 3 (from a_dict)print(c_dict['z'])print(len(c_dict))print(list(c_dict.keys()))print(list(c_dict.values()))c_dict['z'] = 10c_dict['w'] = 40del c_dict['x']print(a_dict)# del c_dict['y']"""可用来定义常量类"""val_dict = ChainMap()val_dict['x'] = 1val_dict = val_dict.new_child()val_dict['x'] = 2val_dict = val_dict.new_child()val_dict['x'] = 3print(val_dict)print(val_dict['x'])val_dict = val_dict.parentsprint(val_dict['x'])val_dict = val_dict.parentsprint(val_dict['x'])print(val_dict)a_dict = {'x': 1, 'z': 3 }b_dict = {'y': 2, 'z': 4 }"""update可用来代替ChainMap,但它的缺点是原字典更新了,不会实时变化"""dict_merge = dict(b_dict)dict_merge.update(a_dict)print(dict_merge['x'])print(dict_merge['y'])print(dict_merge['z'])a_dict['x'] = 10print(dict_merge['x'])chain_dict = ChainMap(a_dict, b_dict)print(chain_dict['x'])a_dict['x'] = 20print(chain_dict['x'])
from enum import Enumclass BugStatus(Enum): new = 7 incomplete = 6 invalid = 5 wont_fix = 4 in_progress = 3 fix_committed = 2 fix_released = 1#Member name: wont_fixprint('\nMember name: {}'.format(BugStatus.wont_fix.name))
import enumBugStatus = enum.Enum( value='BugStatus', names=[ ('new', 7), ('incomplete', 6), ('invalid', 5), ],)print('All members:')for status in BugStatus: print('{:15} = {}'.format(status.name, status.value))
枚举在python中是以数值为准的,如果值重复了,则认为是同一个值。在这个例子中不会打印 incomplete
import enumclass BugStatus(enum.Enum): new = 7 incomplete = 7for item in BugStatus: print(f"{item.name} = {item.value}")
@enum.uniqueclass BugStatus(enum.Enum): new = 7 incomplete = 6 invalid = 5 wont_fix = 4 in_progress = 3 fix_committed = 2 fix_released = 1 # This will trigger an error with unique applied. by_design = 4 closed = 1
import enumclass BugStatus(enum.Enum): new = (7, ['incomplete', 'invalid', 'wont_fix', 'in_progress']) incomplete = (6, ['new', 'wont_fix']) fix_released = (1, ['new']) def __init__(self, num, transitions): self.num = num self.transitions = transitions def can_transition(self, new_state): return new_state.name in self.transitionsprint('Name:', BugStatus.incomplete) #Name: BugStatus.incompleteprint('Value:', BugStatus.incomplete.value) #Value: (6, ['new', 'wont_fix'])print('Custom attribute:', BugStatus.incomplete.transitions) #Custom attribute: ['new', 'wont_fix']print('Using attribute:', BugStatus.incomplete.can_transition(BugStatus.new)) #Using attribute: True
import enumclass BugStatus(enum.Enum): new = { 'num': 7, 'transitions': [ 'incomplete', 'invalid', 'wont_fix', 'in_progress', ], } in_progress = { 'num': 3, 'transitions': ['new', 'fix_committed'], } fix_released = { 'num': 1, 'transitions': ['new'], } def __init__(self, vals): self.num = vals['num'] self.transitions = vals['transitions'] def can_transition(self, new_state): return new_state.name in self.transitionsprint('Name:', BugStatus.in_progress)print('Value:', BugStatus.in_progress.value)print('Custom attribute:', BugStatus.in_progress.transitions)print('Using attribute:', BugStatus.in_progress.can_transition(BugStatus.new))
for status in BugStatus: print('{:15} = {}'.format(status.name, status.value))
import enumclass BugStatus(enum.Enum): wont_fix = 4 fix_released = 1actual_state = BugStatus.wont_fixdesired_state = BugStatus.fix_releaseddesired_state1 = BugStatus.wont_fix# Equality: False True Trueprint('Equality:', actual_state == desired_state, actual_state == desired_state1, actual_state == BugStatus.wont_fix)
import enumclass BugStatus(enum.IntEnum): in_progress = 3 fix_committed = 2 fix_released = 1print('Ordered by value:')print('\n'.join(' ' + s.name for s in sorted(BugStatus)))
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