
网友投稿 241 2022-08-30



​​get the train data:​​​​python code:​​​​python code(initial version):​​​​result:​​

get the train data:


from typing import Iterablefrom sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifierfrom sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNBfrom sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionfrom sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifierfrom sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifierfrom sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifierimport numpy as npimport random''' 本程序采用python3的注解,标记出变量/函数的类型,提高可读性 '''def get_percents(protein: str) -> list[float]: ''' 计算蛋白质序列上各种氨基酸占该氨基酸的比例,以此提取特征值做归一化处理 according the protein to calculate the percentes: ''' aa20: tuple = ('A', 'R', 'N', 'D', 'C', 'Q', 'E', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'L', 'K', 'M', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'W', 'Y', 'V') result_list: list[float] = [] protein_len: int = len(protein) # We do the normalization by counting the animo ratio: for amino in aa20: # print(amino,end=" ") # dict={amino:protein.count(amino)/protein_len} percent: float = protein.count(amino)/protein_len result_list.append(percent) return result_listdef get_protein_sequences1(file: str) -> list[str]: ''' get protein sequences from file ''' sequences: list[str] = [] with open(file, "r") as file_input_stream: # 从文件中读取蛋白质序列 for line in file_input_stream: # 每次读取一行(str) line = line.split(" ") sequences.append(line[2].strip()) return sequencesdef get_protein_sequences2(file: str) -> list[str]: ''' get protein sequences from file2 ''' sequences: list[str] = [] with open(file, "r") as file_input_stream: for line in file_input_stream: line = line.split(" ") sequences.append(line[1].strip()) return sequencesdef get_protein_labels(file: str): ''' get labels of each protein from file ''' labels: list[int] = [] with open(file, "r") as file_input_stream: for line in file_input_stream: # the line is line = line.split(" ") labels.append(int(line[1])) return labelsdef output_file(result_iterable: Iterable, result_file: str, classifier=""): with open(result_file, "w") as fos: result = "" # print(str(result_list)) # fos.write(classifier+str(result_list)) print(classifier) for char in result_iterable: result = result+(str(char)+'\n') print(result) result.strip() fos.write(result)prefix = "D:/OneDrive -"ProSeqs_Test = prefix+"ProSeqs_Test.txt"ProSeqs_Train = prefix+"ProSeqs_Train.txt"x_list: list[str] = get_protein_sequences1(ProSeqs_Train)y_list: list[int] = get_protein_labels(ProSeqs_Train)x_percents = [get_percents(protein) for protein in x_list]x_list_test = get_protein_sequences2(ProSeqs_Test)x_percents_test = [get_percents(protein) for protein in x_list_test]""" get the numerical data set and corresponding labels: """x_array: np.ndarray = np.array( x_percents) # 注意,ndarry类型的对象构造函数这里不是用ndarray(),而是numpy.array()y_array: np.ndarray = np.array(y_list)x_array_test: np.ndarray = np.array(x_percents_test)# print(x_array_test)clf_GNB = GaussianNB()clf_KNN = KNeighborsClassifier()clf_LR = LogisticRegression()clf_MLP = MLPClassifier()clf_RF = RandomForestClassifier()clf_GB = GradientBoostingClassifier()def estimate_accuracy(x_array: np.ndarray, y_array: np.ndarray, estimate_scale: float, clf): """ 通过随机化手段(将产生一系列的随机索引,方便对多组执行同样的随机选择(保持配套), 这种做法相较于直接再数据容器(比如ndarray上直接抽取子集要来的灵活方便:引入第三方中介)) """ size = len(x_array) estimate_scale_int = int(size/100*estimate_scale) real_scale = size-estimate_scale_int true_list = [True for index in range(estimate_scale_int)] false_list = [False for index in range(real_scale)] bools = true_list+false_list random.shuffle(bools) # print(bools) estimate_accuracy_x: np.ndarray = x_array[bools] estimate_accuracy_y: np.ndarray = y_array[bools] # fit the modle(classifier), estimate_accuracy_y) # get the data set to be predict(estimate) bools_reverse = [not bool_ for bool_ in bools] estimate_accuracy_x_test = x_array[bools_reverse] real_result = y_array[bools_reverse] # predict according the x segment: estimate_predict_result = clf.predict(estimate_accuracy_x_test) # calculate the accuracy: ''' the GNB will be expecting has the 80% accuracy or so: ''' length = len(estimate_predict_result) count = 0 for label1, label2 in zip(estimate_predict_result, real_result): if label1 == label2: count += 1 else: # print(label1," ",label2) pass # print the len to certain the result is calculate the proper case: accuracy = count/length # print(accuracy) # print(length, "elements were predicted with model:", clf) return accuracydef get_average_accuracy(clf=clf_GNB, times: int = 10, estimate_scale=95): count_probility = 0 count = times while count: count_probility += estimate_accuracy(x_array, y_array, estimate_scale, clf) count -= 1 return count_probility/times""" 将结果写入文件: """# print(len(x_array), len(y_array))#, y_array)# result_iterable = clf.predict(x_array_test)# print(result_iterable)# prediction_result = prefix+"preds.txt"# output_file(result_iterable, prediction_result)if __name__ == "__main__": # estimate_accuracy(x_array,y_array,95.5,clf_KNN) # """ clf_MLP, """ classifiers: list = [clf_GNB, clf_KNN, clf_LR, clf_RF, clf_GB] sort_list = [] for clf in classifiers: result = get_average_accuracy(times=10,estimate_scale=98,clf=clf) print("in average result with:", clf, result) sort_list.append((result, clf)) # print(sort_list) sort_list.sort(key=lambda tuple: tuple[0], reverse=True) for item in sort_list: print(item)

python code(initial version):

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifierfrom sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNBimport numpy as npdef get_percents(protein): ''' according the protein to calculate the percentes: ''' aa20 = ('A', 'R', 'N', 'D', 'C', 'Q', 'E', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'L', 'K', 'M', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'W', 'Y', 'V') result_list = [] protein_len = len(protein) for amino in aa20: # print(amino,end=" ") # dict={amino:protein.count(amino)/protein_len} percent = protein.count(amino)/protein_len result_list.append(percent) return result_listdef get_protein_sequences1(file): ''' get protein sequences from file ''' sequences = [] with open(file, "r") as file_input_stream: for line in file_input_stream: line = line.split(" ") sequences.append(line[2].strip()) return sequencesdef get_protein_sequences2(file): ''' get protein sequences from file ''' sequences = [] with open(file, "r") as file_input_stream: for line in file_input_stream: line = line.split(" ") sequences.append(line[1].strip()) return sequencesdef get_protein_labels(file): ''' get labels of each protein from file ''' labels = [] with open(file, "r") as file_input_stream: for line in file_input_stream: # the line is line = line.split(" ") labels.append(int(line[1])) return labelsdef output_file(result_list, result_file, classifier=""): with open(result_file, "w") as fos: result = "" # print(str(result_list)) # fos.write(classifier+str(result_list)) for char in result_list: result = result+(str(char)+'\n') print(result) result.strip() fos.write(result)prefix = "D:/OneDrive -"ProSeqs_Test = prefix+"ProSeqs_Test.txt"ProSeqs_Train = prefix+"ProSeqs_Train.txt"x_list = get_protein_sequences1(ProSeqs_Train)y_list = get_protein_labels(ProSeqs_Train)# print(y_list)# with open(ProSeqs_Train, "r") as file_input_stream: # # line=file_input_stream.readline() # for line in file_input_stream: # # the line is # line = line.split(" ") # input_list.append(line[2].strip()) # # print(line) # # print(type(line)) # # break # y.append(int(line[1]))# debug # file_input_stream.close() # print(input_list) # print(x_list)x_percents = [get_percents(protein) for protein in x_list]# print(x_percents)# print(len(x_percents))x_array = np.array(x_percents) # 注意不是用ndarray()y_array = np.array(y_list)#degug # print(len(x_array)) # print(x_array, "\n\n", y_array) # print(len(x)) # print(x) # print(y)x_list_test = get_protein_sequences2(ProSeqs_Test)x_percents_test = [get_percents(protein) for protein in x_list_test]x_array_test = np.array(x_percents_test)# print(x_array_test)clf = GaussianNB()# clf=KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=55)def estimate_accuracy(x_array,y_array,sample_num=1500): sample_num=1500 estimate_accuracy_x=x_array[:sample_num] estimate_accuracy_y=y_array[:sample_num] # print(estimate_accuracy_x,estimate_accuracy_y) # print(len(estimate_accuracy_x)) #fit the modle(classifier),estimate_accuracy_y) estimate_accuracy_x_test=x_array[sample_num:] real_result=y_array[sample_num:] # predict according the x segment: estimate_result=clf.predict(estimate_accuracy_x_test) # calculate the accuracy: ''' the GNB will be expecting has the 80% accuracy or so: ''' len=len(estimate_result) count=0 for label1,label2 in zip(estimate_result,real_result): if label1==label2: count+=1 else : pass# print(label1," ",label2) # print the len to certain the result is calculate the proper case: print(count/len,len,"elements were predicted") # print(len(x_array), len(y_array)), y_array)result_list = clf.predict(x_array_test)print(result_list)prediction_result = prefix+"preds.txt"output_file(result_list, prediction_result)


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下一篇:详解springboot+atomikos+druid 数据库连接失效分析

