Python 交换机健康性检查(python入门教程(非常详细))

网友投稿 353 2022-09-05

Python 交换机健康性检查(python入门教程(非常详细))






# ********************************************************************# Author: LinWeiWei# Date: 2022-4-30# Description: paramiko SSH module and provides H3C switch configuration services# ********************************************************************# The standard libraryimport paramikoimport timeimport socketimport threadingimport re# Create an SSH classclass MySSH(object): # Create init info def __init__(self): self.total_devices = None self.total_port = None self.ip_file = open(r"C:\python_txt\ManageIP.txt", "r") self.iplist = self.ip_file.readlines() self.switch_successful_execution = [] self.switch_with_authentication_issue = [] self.switch_not_reachable = [] self.switch_fan_failure = [] self.switch_environment_failure = [] self.switch_memory_failure = [] self.switch_cpu_failure = [] self.switch_power_failure = [] self.total_switch_fan = 0 self.total_switch_FanStateNormal = 0 self.total_switch_port = 0 self.total_switch_environment_normal = 0 self.total_switch_environment_warning = 0 self.total_switch_environment_alarm = 0 self.total_switch_cpu_normal = 0 self.total_switch_memory_normal = 0 self.total_switch_power_normal = 0 self.start_time = time.time() # Record the start time of execution # Create an SSH connection def switch_cmd(self): for line in self.iplist: try: ip = line.strip() ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # Trusting SSH Connections ssh.connect(hostname=ip, port=22, username="admin", password="123456", timeout=3) print("Successfully connected to " + ip) cli = ssh.invoke_shell() cli.send("disp fan \n") cli.send("disp int brief | i XG \n") cli.send("disp environment \n") cli.send("disp memo sum \n") cli.send("disp cpu sum \n") cli.send("disp power \n") self.switch_successful_execution.append(ip) time.sleep(3) output = cli.recv(65535).decode('utf-8').replace('\r', '') # decode(ascii) # cpu check cpu_state = re.findall(r'(?<=1).+(\%).+(\%).+(..%)', str(output))[0][2] if float(cpu_state.replace('%', '')) <= 80: print('Devices cpu last 5 min usage ' + str(cpu_state) + ', state is normal') self.total_switch_cpu_normal += 1 else: print('Devices cpu last 5 min usage ' + str(cpu_state) + ', state is abnormal') self.switch_cpu_failure.append(ip) # memory check memory_state = re.findall(r'(?<=1).+(....%)', str(output))[0] if float(memory_state.replace('%', '')) <= 80: print('Devices memory usage ' + str(memory_state) + ', state is normal') self.total_switch_memory_normal += 1 else: print('Devices memory usage ' + str(memory_state) + ', state is abnormal') self.switch_memory_failure.append(ip) # environment check environment_state = re.findall(r'(?<=hotspot)(.{4})\d+', str(output))[0] if int(environment_state) <= 50: print('Devices environment is ' + str(environment_state) + '℃, state is normal') self.total_switch_environment_normal += int(len(re.findall(r'(?<=hotspot)(.{4})\d+', str(output)))) elif environment_state >= 50 <= 55: print('Devices environment is ' + str(environment_state) + '℃, state is warning') self.total_switch_environment_warning += int(len(re.findall(r'(?<=hotspot)(.{4})\d+', str(output)))) self.switch_environment_failure.append(ip) else: print('Devices environment is ' + str(environment_state) + '℃, state is alarm') self.total_switch_environment_alarm += int(len(re.findall(r'(?<=hotspot)(.{4})\d+', str(output)))) self.switch_environment_failure.append(ip) # fan check fan_num = re.findall(r'Fan', str(output)) fan_state = re.findall(r'(?<=State).+Normal', str(output)) print( 'Devices has ' + str(len(fan_num)) + ' fans and ' + str(len(fan_state)) + ' in normal running, ' + 'the number of failure ' + str(len(fan_num) - len(fan_state)) ) self.total_switch_fan += int(len(fan_num)) self.total_switch_FanStateNormal += int(len(fan_state)) if self.total_switch_fan < int(self.total_switch_FanStateNormal): self.switch_fan_failure.append(ip) # power check power_state = len(re.findall(r'(?<=1).+(?=AC)|(?<=2).+(?=AC)', str(output))) print('Devices has 2 powers and ' + str(power_state) + ' in normal running,' + ' the number of failure ' + str(2 - power_state)) self.total_switch_power_normal += int(power_state) if power_state < 2: self.switch_power_failure.append(ip) # ports check port_state = re.findall(r'UP', str(output)) print('Devices has ' + str(len(port_state)) + ' ports up, port up rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(len(port_state) / 24 * 100)) ) self.total_switch_port += int(len(port_state)) print() except paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException: print("User authentication failed for " + ip + ".") self.switch_with_authentication_issue.append(ip) print(self.switch_with_authentication_issue) except socket.error: print(ip + " is not reachable.") self.switch_not_reachable.append(ip) finally: self.ip_file.close() ssh.close() # Create result info def result_info(self): print('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('Running time: ' + time.ctime()) print('Spend time:%s' % (time.time() - self.start_time) + 's') # Calculate the total number of devices self.total_devices = len(self.switch_successful_execution) print('There are totally ' + str(self.total_devices) + ' devices in the network.') # cpu result print('1、The cpu has ' + str(self.total_switch_cpu_normal) + ' normal, cpu normal rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_cpu_normal / self.total_devices * 100))) # memory result print('2、The memory has ' + str(self.total_switch_memory_normal) + ' normal, memory normal rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_memory_normal / self.total_devices * 100))) # environment result print('3、The environment has ' + str(self.total_switch_environment_normal) + ' normal, has ' + str(self.total_switch_environment_warning) + ' warning, has ' + str(self.total_switch_environment_alarm) + ' alarm, environment normal rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_environment_normal / self.total_devices * 100)) ) # fan result print('4、The fan has ' + str(self.total_switch_fan) + ' available, ' + str(self.total_switch_FanStateNormal) + ' fan are currently normal. Fan normal rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_FanStateNormal / self.total_switch_fan * 100)) ) # power result print('5、The power has ' + str(self.total_devices*2) + ' available, ' + str(self.total_switch_power_normal) + ' port are currently normal. Port up rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_power_normal / (self.total_devices*2) * 100)) ) # port result self.total_port = len(self.switch_successful_execution) * 24 # Calculate the total number of ports print('6、The port has ' + str(self.total_port) + ' available, ' + str(self.total_switch_port) + ' port are currently up. Port up rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_port / self.total_port * 100)) ) print() print('Successful execution list') print(self.switch_successful_execution) print('Authentication failure list') print(self.switch_with_authentication_issue) print('Network connection failure list') print(self.switch_not_reachable) print('Environment failure list') print(self.switch_environment_failure) print('Fan failure list') print(self.switch_fan_failure) print('Memory failure list') print(self.switch_memory_failure) print('Cpu failure list') print(self.switch_cpu_failure) print('power failure list') print(self.switch_power_failure)if __name__ == '__main__': MySSH = MySSH() MySSH.switch_cmd() MySSH.result_info()



# Create init info def __init__(self): self.total_devices = None self.total_port = None self.ip_file = open(r"C:\python_txt\ManageIP.txt", "r") self.iplist = self.ip_file.readlines() self.switch_successful_execution = [] self.switch_with_authentication_issue = [] self.switch_not_reachable = [] self.switch_fan_failure = [] self.switch_environment_failure = [] self.switch_memory_failure = [] self.switch_cpu_failure = [] self.switch_power_failure = [] self.total_switch_fan = 0 self.total_switch_FanStateNormal = 0 self.total_switch_port = 0 self.total_switch_environment_normal = 0 self.total_switch_environment_warning = 0 self.total_switch_environment_alarm = 0 self.total_switch_cpu_normal = 0 self.total_switch_memory_normal = 0 self.total_switch_power_normal = 0 self.start_time = time.time() # Record the start time of execution


# Create an SSH connection def switch_cmd(self): for line in self.iplist: try: ip = line.strip() ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # Trusting SSH Connections ssh.connect(hostname=ip, port=22, username="admin", password="123456", timeout=3) print("Successfully connected to " + ip) cli = ssh.invoke_shell() cli.send("disp fan \n") cli.send("disp int brief | i XG \n") cli.send("disp environment \n") cli.send("disp memo sum \n") cli.send("disp cpu sum \n") cli.send("disp power \n") self.switch_successful_execution.append(ip) time.sleep(3) output = cli.recv(65535).decode('utf-8').replace('\r', '') # decode(ascii)



# cpu check cpu_state = re.findall(r'(?<=1).+(\%).+(\%).+(..%)', str(output))[0][2] if float(cpu_state.replace('%', '')) <= 80: print('Devices cpu last 5 min usage ' + str(cpu_state) + ', state is normal') self.total_switch_cpu_normal += 1 else: print('Devices cpu last 5 min usage ' + str(cpu_state) + ', state is abnormal') self.switch_cpu_failure.append(ip)



# memory check memory_state = re.findall(r'(?<=1).+(....%)', str(output))[0] if float(memory_state.replace('%', '')) <= 80: print('Devices memory usage ' + str(memory_state) + ', state is normal') self.total_switch_memory_normal += 1 else: print('Devices memory usage ' + str(memory_state) + ', state is abnormal') self.switch_memory_failure.append(ip)



# environment check environment_state = re.findall(r'(?<=hotspot)(.{4})\d+', str(output))[0] if int(environment_state) <= 50: print('Devices environment is ' + str(environment_state) + '℃, state is normal') self.total_switch_environment_normal += int(len(re.findall(r'(?<=hotspot)(.{4})\d+', str(output)))) elif environment_state >= 50 <= 55: print('Devices environment is ' + str(environment_state) + '℃, state is warning') self.total_switch_environment_warning += int(len(re.findall(r'(?<=hotspot)(.{4})\d+', str(output)))) self.switch_environment_failure.append(ip) else: print('Devices environment is ' + str(environment_state) + '℃, state is alarm') self.total_switch_environment_alarm += int(len(re.findall(r'(?<=hotspot)(.{4})\d+', str(output)))) self.switch_environment_failure.append(ip)



# fan check fan_num = re.findall(r'Fan', str(output)) fan_state = re.findall(r'(?<=State).+Normal', str(output)) print( 'Devices has ' + str(len(fan_num)) + ' fans and ' + str(len(fan_state)) + ' in normal running, ' + 'the number of failure ' + str(len(fan_num) - len(fan_state)) ) self.total_switch_fan += int(len(fan_num)) self.total_switch_FanStateNormal += int(len(fan_state)) if self.total_switch_fan < int(self.total_switch_FanStateNormal): self.switch_fan_failure.append(ip)



# power check power_state = len(re.findall(r'(?<=1).+(?=AC)|(?<=2).+(?=AC)', str(output))) print('Devices has 2 powers and ' + str(power_state) + ' in normal running,' + ' the number of failure ' + str(2 - power_state)) self.total_switch_power_normal += int(power_state) if power_state < 2: self.switch_power_failure.append(ip)



# ports check port_state = re.findall(r'UP', str(output)) print('Devices has ' + str(len(port_state)) + ' ports up, port up rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(len(port_state) / 24 * 100)) ) self.total_switch_port += int(len(port_state))



print() except paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException: print("User authentication failed for " + ip + ".") self.switch_with_authentication_issue.append(ip) print(self.switch_with_authentication_issue) except socket.error: print(ip + " is not reachable.") self.switch_not_reachable.append(ip) finally: self.ip_file.close() ssh.close()



# Create result info def result_info(self): print('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('Running time: ' + time.ctime()) print('Spend time:%s' % (time.time() - self.start_time) + 's') # Calculate the total number of devices self.total_devices = len(self.switch_successful_execution) print('There are totally ' + str(self.total_devices) + ' devices in the network.') # cpu result print('1、The cpu has ' + str(self.total_switch_cpu_normal) + ' normal, cpu normal rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_cpu_normal / self.total_devices * 100))) # memory result print('2、The memory has ' + str(self.total_switch_memory_normal) + ' normal, memory normal rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_memory_normal / self.total_devices * 100))) # environment result print('3、The environment has ' + str(self.total_switch_environment_normal) + ' normal, has ' + str(self.total_switch_environment_warning) + ' warning, has ' + str(self.total_switch_environment_alarm) + ' alarm, environment normal rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_environment_normal / self.total_devices * 100)) ) # fan result print('4、The fan has ' + str(self.total_switch_fan) + ' available, ' + str(self.total_switch_FanStateNormal) + ' fan are currently normal. Fan normal rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_FanStateNormal / self.total_switch_fan * 100)) ) # power result print('5、The power has ' + str(self.total_devices*2) + ' available, ' + str(self.total_switch_power_normal) + ' port are currently normal. Port up rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_power_normal / (self.total_devices*2) * 100)) ) # port result self.total_port = len(self.switch_successful_execution) * 24 # Calculate the total number of ports print('6、The port has ' + str(self.total_port) + ' available, ' + str(self.total_switch_port) + ' port are currently up. Port up rate is ' + str("%.2f%%" % int(self.total_switch_port / self.total_port * 100)) ) print() print('Successful execution list') print(self.switch_successful_execution) print('Authentication failure list') print(self.switch_with_authentication_issue) print('Network connection failure list') print(self.switch_not_reachable) print('Environment failure list') print(self.switch_environment_failure) print('Fan failure list') print(self.switch_fan_failure) print('Memory failure list') print(self.switch_memory_failure) print('Cpu failure list') print(self.switch_cpu_failure) print('power failure list') print(self.switch_power_failure)

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下一篇:springboot neo4j的配置代码

