目录springCache配置中踩的坑先附上正确的配置springCache配置及一些问题的解决配置@Cacheable参数@CacheEvict 参数@CachePut 参数
public CacheManager cacheManager(RedisConnectionFactory factory, SessionSerializer serializer) {
logger.debug("注入的序列化工具={}", serializer);
RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair pair = RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(serializer);
logger.debug("生成的cache序列化工具={}", pair);
RedisCacheConfiguration config = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig(); // 生成一个默认配置,通过config对象即可对缓存进行自定义配置
config = config.entryTtl(Duration.ofMinutes(10)) // 设置缓存的默认过期时间,也是使用Duration设置
// .serializeKeysWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()))
; // 不缓存空值
logger.debug("初始化完成的config={}", config);
// 设置一个初始化的缓存空间set集合
return RedisCacheManager.builder(new CusTtlRedisCacheWriter(factory)) // 使用自定义的缓存配置初始化一个cacheManager
// .withInitialCacheConfigurations(configMap)
// .transactionAware()
1. applicationContext.xml
xmlns:cache="http://springframework.org/schema/cache" xsi:schemaLocation="http://springframework.org/schema/beans http://springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsdhttp://springframework.org/schema/cache http://springframework.org/schema/cache/spring-cache.xsd"> p:name="default"/> p:name="activityCache"/> p:name="awardsCache"/> Spring内部默认使用 ConcurrentHashMap 来存储, 配置中的 activityCache awardsCache 就是一个一个的 ConcurrentHashMap 对象的名字. 另外 spring还支持使用 EHCache 来存储缓存. 2. 在service的实现类上加上 @Cacheable //@Service //public class LotteryActivityServiceImpl implements LotteryActivityService @Cacheable(value = "activityCache", key = "#shortName") public LotteryActivity findByShortName(String shortName) { log.info("query activity : {} from database.", shortName); return activityRepository.findByShortName(shortName); } @Cacheable参数 value 缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如:@Cacheable(value=”mycache”) 或者 @Cacheable(value={”cache1”,”cache2”} key 缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName”) condition 缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才进行缓存 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,condition=”#userName.length()>2”) 在需要清除缓存的方法上加上@CacheEvict @CacheEvict(value="activityCache", allEntries = true, beforeInvocation = true) public void cleanActivityCache(String shortName) { log.info("cleaned cache activity : {}", shortName); } @CacheEvict 参数 value 缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如: @CachEvict(value=”mycache”) 或者 @CachEvict(value={”cache1”,”cache2”} key 缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName” condition 缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才清空缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”, condition=”#userName.length()>2”) allEntries 是否清空所有缓存内容,缺省为 false,如果指定为 true,则方法调用后将立即清空所有缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,allEntries=true) beforeInvocation 是否在方法执行前就清空,缺省为 false,如果指定为 true,则在方法还没有执行的时候就清空缓存,缺省情况下,如果方法执行抛出异常,则不会清空缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,beforeInvocation=true) 当需要保证方法被调用,又希望结果被缓存, 可以使用@CachePut @CachePut(value="accountCache",key="#account.getName()")// 更新 accountCache 缓存 public Account updateAccount(Account account) { return updateDB(account); } @CachePut 参数 value 缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如: @Cacheable(value=”mycache”) 或者 @Cacheable(value={”cache1”,”cache2”} key 缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName”) condition 缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才进行缓存 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,condition=”#userName.length()>2”) 注解最好加在实现类而不是接口的方法上 Spring recommends that you only annotate concrete classes (and methods of concrete classes) with the @Cache* annotation, as opposed to annotating interfaces. You certainly can place the @Cache* annotation on an interface (or an interface method), but this works only as you would expect it to if you are using interface-based proxies. The fact that java annotations are not inherited from interfaces means that if you are using class-based proxies (proxy-target-class="true") or the weaving-based aspect (mode="aspectj"), then the caching settings are not recognized by the proxying and weaving infrastructure, and the object will not be wrapped in a caching proxy, which would be decidedly bad. 带有@Cache* 注解的方法不能被定义在调用该方法的类里, 比如 UserController要调用 findUserByName(String name), 且该方法有 @Cacheabele注解, 那么该方法就不能被定义在 UserController中 In proxy mode (which is the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation, in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object, will not lead to an actual caching at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with @Cacheable - considering using the aspectj mode in this case. @Cache*注解要加在 public 方法上 When using proxies, you should apply the @Cache* annotations only to methods with public visibility. If you do annotate protected, private or package-visible methods with these annotations, no error is raised, but the annotated method does not exhibit the configured caching settinhttp://gs. Consider the use of AspectJ (see below) if you need to annotate non-public methods as it changes the bytecode itself.
xsi:schemaLocation="http://springframework.org/schema/beans http://springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsdhttp://springframework.org/schema/cache http://springframework.org/schema/cache/spring-cache.xsd">
p:name="default"/> p:name="activityCache"/> p:name="awardsCache"/> Spring内部默认使用 ConcurrentHashMap 来存储, 配置中的 activityCache awardsCache 就是一个一个的 ConcurrentHashMap 对象的名字. 另外 spring还支持使用 EHCache 来存储缓存. 2. 在service的实现类上加上 @Cacheable //@Service //public class LotteryActivityServiceImpl implements LotteryActivityService @Cacheable(value = "activityCache", key = "#shortName") public LotteryActivity findByShortName(String shortName) { log.info("query activity : {} from database.", shortName); return activityRepository.findByShortName(shortName); } @Cacheable参数 value 缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如:@Cacheable(value=”mycache”) 或者 @Cacheable(value={”cache1”,”cache2”} key 缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName”) condition 缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才进行缓存 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,condition=”#userName.length()>2”) 在需要清除缓存的方法上加上@CacheEvict @CacheEvict(value="activityCache", allEntries = true, beforeInvocation = true) public void cleanActivityCache(String shortName) { log.info("cleaned cache activity : {}", shortName); } @CacheEvict 参数 value 缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如: @CachEvict(value=”mycache”) 或者 @CachEvict(value={”cache1”,”cache2”} key 缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName” condition 缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才清空缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”, condition=”#userName.length()>2”) allEntries 是否清空所有缓存内容,缺省为 false,如果指定为 true,则方法调用后将立即清空所有缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,allEntries=true) beforeInvocation 是否在方法执行前就清空,缺省为 false,如果指定为 true,则在方法还没有执行的时候就清空缓存,缺省情况下,如果方法执行抛出异常,则不会清空缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,beforeInvocation=true) 当需要保证方法被调用,又希望结果被缓存, 可以使用@CachePut @CachePut(value="accountCache",key="#account.getName()")// 更新 accountCache 缓存 public Account updateAccount(Account account) { return updateDB(account); } @CachePut 参数 value 缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如: @Cacheable(value=”mycache”) 或者 @Cacheable(value={”cache1”,”cache2”} key 缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName”) condition 缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才进行缓存 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,condition=”#userName.length()>2”) 注解最好加在实现类而不是接口的方法上 Spring recommends that you only annotate concrete classes (and methods of concrete classes) with the @Cache* annotation, as opposed to annotating interfaces. You certainly can place the @Cache* annotation on an interface (or an interface method), but this works only as you would expect it to if you are using interface-based proxies. The fact that java annotations are not inherited from interfaces means that if you are using class-based proxies (proxy-target-class="true") or the weaving-based aspect (mode="aspectj"), then the caching settings are not recognized by the proxying and weaving infrastructure, and the object will not be wrapped in a caching proxy, which would be decidedly bad. 带有@Cache* 注解的方法不能被定义在调用该方法的类里, 比如 UserController要调用 findUserByName(String name), 且该方法有 @Cacheabele注解, 那么该方法就不能被定义在 UserController中 In proxy mode (which is the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation, in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object, will not lead to an actual caching at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with @Cacheable - considering using the aspectj mode in this case. @Cache*注解要加在 public 方法上 When using proxies, you should apply the @Cache* annotations only to methods with public visibility. If you do annotate protected, private or package-visible methods with these annotations, no error is raised, but the annotated method does not exhibit the configured caching settinhttp://gs. Consider the use of AspectJ (see below) if you need to annotate non-public methods as it changes the bytecode itself.
p:name="activityCache"/> p:name="awardsCache"/> Spring内部默认使用 ConcurrentHashMap 来存储, 配置中的 activityCache awardsCache 就是一个一个的 ConcurrentHashMap 对象的名字. 另外 spring还支持使用 EHCache 来存储缓存. 2. 在service的实现类上加上 @Cacheable //@Service //public class LotteryActivityServiceImpl implements LotteryActivityService @Cacheable(value = "activityCache", key = "#shortName") public LotteryActivity findByShortName(String shortName) { log.info("query activity : {} from database.", shortName); return activityRepository.findByShortName(shortName); } @Cacheable参数 value 缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如:@Cacheable(value=”mycache”) 或者 @Cacheable(value={”cache1”,”cache2”} key 缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName”) condition 缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才进行缓存 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,condition=”#userName.length()>2”) 在需要清除缓存的方法上加上@CacheEvict @CacheEvict(value="activityCache", allEntries = true, beforeInvocation = true) public void cleanActivityCache(String shortName) { log.info("cleaned cache activity : {}", shortName); } @CacheEvict 参数 value 缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如: @CachEvict(value=”mycache”) 或者 @CachEvict(value={”cache1”,”cache2”} key 缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName” condition 缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才清空缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”, condition=”#userName.length()>2”) allEntries 是否清空所有缓存内容,缺省为 false,如果指定为 true,则方法调用后将立即清空所有缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,allEntries=true) beforeInvocation 是否在方法执行前就清空,缺省为 false,如果指定为 true,则在方法还没有执行的时候就清空缓存,缺省情况下,如果方法执行抛出异常,则不会清空缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,beforeInvocation=true) 当需要保证方法被调用,又希望结果被缓存, 可以使用@CachePut @CachePut(value="accountCache",key="#account.getName()")// 更新 accountCache 缓存 public Account updateAccount(Account account) { return updateDB(account); } @CachePut 参数 value 缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如: @Cacheable(value=”mycache”) 或者 @Cacheable(value={”cache1”,”cache2”} key 缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName”) condition 缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才进行缓存 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,condition=”#userName.length()>2”) 注解最好加在实现类而不是接口的方法上 Spring recommends that you only annotate concrete classes (and methods of concrete classes) with the @Cache* annotation, as opposed to annotating interfaces. You certainly can place the @Cache* annotation on an interface (or an interface method), but this works only as you would expect it to if you are using interface-based proxies. The fact that java annotations are not inherited from interfaces means that if you are using class-based proxies (proxy-target-class="true") or the weaving-based aspect (mode="aspectj"), then the caching settings are not recognized by the proxying and weaving infrastructure, and the object will not be wrapped in a caching proxy, which would be decidedly bad. 带有@Cache* 注解的方法不能被定义在调用该方法的类里, 比如 UserController要调用 findUserByName(String name), 且该方法有 @Cacheabele注解, 那么该方法就不能被定义在 UserController中 In proxy mode (which is the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation, in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object, will not lead to an actual caching at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with @Cacheable - considering using the aspectj mode in this case. @Cache*注解要加在 public 方法上 When using proxies, you should apply the @Cache* annotations only to methods with public visibility. If you do annotate protected, private or package-visible methods with these annotations, no error is raised, but the annotated method does not exhibit the configured caching settinhttp://gs. Consider the use of AspectJ (see below) if you need to annotate non-public methods as it changes the bytecode itself.
Spring内部默认使用 ConcurrentHashMap 来存储, 配置中的 activityCache awardsCache 就是一个一个的 ConcurrentHashMap 对象的名字. 另外 spring还支持使用 EHCache 来存储缓存.
2. 在service的实现类上加上 @Cacheable
//public class LotteryActivityServiceImpl implements LotteryActivityService
@Cacheable(value = "activityCache", key = "#shortName")
public LotteryActivity findByShortName(String shortName) {
log.info("query activity : {} from database.", shortName);
return activityRepository.findByShortName(shortName);
缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如:@Cacheable(value=”mycache”) 或者 @Cacheable(value={”cache1”,”cache2”}
缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName”)
缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才进行缓存 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,condition=”#userName.length()>2”)
@CacheEvict(value="activityCache", allEntries = true, beforeInvocation = true)
public void cleanActivityCache(String shortName) {
log.info("cleaned cache activity : {}", shortName);
@CacheEvict 参数
缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如: @CachEvict(value=”mycache”) 或者 @CachEvict(value={”cache1”,”cache2”}
缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName”
缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才清空缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”, condition=”#userName.length()>2”)
是否清空所有缓存内容,缺省为 false,如果指定为 true,则方法调用后将立即清空所有缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,allEntries=true)
是否在方法执行前就清空,缺省为 false,如果指定为 true,则在方法还没有执行的时候就清空缓存,缺省情况下,如果方法执行抛出异常,则不会清空缓存 例如: @CachEvict(value=”testcache”,beforeInvocation=true)
当需要保证方法被调用,又希望结果被缓存, 可以使用@CachePut
@CachePut(value="accountCache",key="#account.getName()")// 更新 accountCache 缓存
public Account updateAccount(Account account) {
return updateDB(account);
@CachePut 参数
缓存的名称,在 spring 配置文件中定义,必须指定至少一个 例如: @Cacheable(value=”mycache”) 或者 @Cacheable(value={”cache1”,”cache2”}
缓存的 key,可以为空,如果指定要按照 SpEL 表达式编写,如果不指定,则缺省按照方法的所有参数进行组合 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,key=”#userName”)
缓存的条件,可以为空,使用 SpEL 编写,返回 true 或者 false,只有为 true 才进行缓存 例如: @Cacheable(value=”testcache”,condition=”#userName.length()>2”)
Spring recommends that you only annotate concrete classes (and methods of concrete classes) with the @Cache* annotation, as opposed to annotating interfaces. You certainly can place the @Cache* annotation on an interface (or an interface method), but this works only as you would expect it to if you are using interface-based proxies. The fact that java annotations are not inherited from interfaces means that if you are using class-based proxies (proxy-target-class="true") or the weaving-based aspect (mode="aspectj"), then the caching settings are not recognized by the proxying and weaving infrastructure, and the object will not be wrapped in a caching proxy, which would be decidedly bad.
带有@Cache* 注解的方法不能被定义在调用该方法的类里, 比如 UserController要调用 findUserByName(String name), 且该方法有 @Cacheabele注解, 那么该方法就不能被定义在 UserController中
In proxy mode (which is the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation, in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object, will not lead to an actual caching at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with @Cacheable - considering using the aspectj mode in this case.
@Cache*注解要加在 public 方法上
When using proxies, you should apply the @Cache* annotations only to methods with public visibility. If you do annotate protected, private or package-visible methods with these annotations, no error is raised, but the annotated method does not exhibit the configured caching settinhttp://gs. Consider the use of AspectJ (see below) if you need to annotate non-public methods as it changes the bytecode itself.
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