
网友投稿 254 2022-09-07


0x0. 前言

这篇文章基于自己为OneFlow框架开发​​interpolate​​​这个Op总结而来,OneFlow的​​interpolate​​​ Op 和 Pytorch的功能一致,都是用来实现插值上采样或者下采样的。在实现这个Op的时候还给Pytorch修复了一个bug并合并到了主仓库,见:doc && interface接口



​​input​​:输入Tensor。​​size​​:插值后输出Tensor的空间维度的大小,这个spatial size就是去掉Batch,Channel,Depth维度后剩下的值。比如NCHW的spatial size是HW。​​scale_factor​​(float 或者 Tuple[float]):spatial size的乘数,如果是tuple则必须匹配输入数据的大小。​​mode​​(str):上采样的模式,包含’nearest’ | ‘linear’ | ‘bilinear’ | ‘bicubic’ | ‘trilinear’ | ‘area’。 默认是 ‘nearest’。​​align_corners​​​(bool):在几何上,我们将输入和输出的像素视为正方形而不是点。 如果设置为​​True​​​,则输入和输出张量按其角像素的中心点对齐,保留角像素处的值。 如果设置为​​False​​​,则输入和输出张量按其角像素的角点对齐,插值使用边缘值填充来处理边界外值,当​​scale_factor​​​保持不变时,此操作与输入大小无关。 这仅在​​mode​​​为 ‘linear’ | ‘bilinear’ | ‘bicubic’ | 'trilinear’时有效。默认值是​​False​​。(没看懂没关系,下面有一节专门讲解)​​recompute_scale_factor​​​(bool):重新计算用于插值计算的 scale_factor。 当 scale_factor 作为参数传递时,它用于计算 output_size。 如果 recompute_scale_factor 为​​False​​​ 或未指定,则传入的 scale_factor 将用于插值计算。 否则,将根据用于插值计算的输出和输入大小计算新的 scale_factor(即,等价于显示传入​​output_size​​)。 请注意,当 scale_factor 是浮点数时,由于舍入和精度问题,重新计算的 scale_factor 可能与传入的不同。


>>> import oneflow as flow>>> import numpy as np>>> input = flow.Tensor(np.arange(1, 5).reshape((1, 1, 4)), dtype=flow.float32)>>> output = flow.nn.functional.interpolate(input, scale_factor=2.0, mode="linear")>>> outputtensor([[[1.0000, 1.2500, 1.7500, 2.2500, 2.7500, 3.2500, 3.7500, 4.0000]]], dtype=oneflow.float32)


if len(x.shape) == 3 and self.mode == "nearest": return flow._C.upsample_nearest_1d( x, scale_factor=scale_factors[0], data_format="channels_first" ) if len(x.shape) == 4 and self.mode == "nearest": return flow._C.upsample_nearest_2d( x, height_scale=scale_factors[0], width_scale=scale_factors[1], data_format="channels_first", ) if len(x.shape) == 5 and self.mode == "nearest": return flow._C.upsample_nearest_3d( x, depth_scale=scale_factors[0], height_scale=scale_factors[1], width_scale=scale_factors[2], data_format="channels_first", ) if len(x.shape) == 3 and self.mode == "area": assert output_size is not None return flow._C.adaptive_avg_pool1d(x, output_size) if len(x.shape) == 4 and self.mode == "area": assert output_size is not None return flow._C.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, output_size) if len(x.shape) == 5 and self.mode == "area": assert output_size is not None return flow._C.adaptive_avg_pool3d(x, output_size) if len(x.shape) == 3 and self.mode == "linear": assert self.align_corners is not None return flow._C.upsample_linear_1d( x, scale_factor=scale_factors[0], align_corners=self.align_corners, data_format="channels_first", ) if len(x.shape) == 4 and self.mode == "bilinear": assert self.align_corners is not None return flow._C.upsample_bilinear_2d( x, height_scale=scale_factors[0], width_scale=scale_factors[1], align_corners=self.align_corners, data_format="channels_first", ) if len(x.shape) == 4 and self.mode == "bicubic": assert self.align_corners is not None return flow._C.upsample_bicubic_2d( x, height_scale=scale_factors[0], width_scale=scale_factors[1], align_corners=self.align_corners, data_format="channels_first", ) if len(x.shape) == 5 and self.mode == "trilinear": assert self.align_corners is not None return flow._C.upsample_trilinear_3d( x, depth_scale=scale_factors[0], height_scale=scale_factors[1], width_scale=scale_factors[2], align_corners=self.align_corners, data_format="channels_first", )


0x2. AlignCorners解释


假设原始图像的大小是 m × n m\times n m×n,目标图像是 a × b a\times b a×b,那么两幅图像的边长比分别是 m / a m/a m/a和 n / b n/b n/b。那么目标图像的 ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j)位置的像素可以通过上面的边长比对应回原图像,坐标为 ( i ∗ m / a , j ∗ n / b ) (i*m/a,j*n/b) (i∗m/a,j∗n/b)。当然这样获得的坐标可能不是整数,如果强行取整就是普通的最邻近插值,而双线性插值就是通过寻找距离这个对应坐标最近的四个像素点,来计算该点的值,如果坐标是 ( 2.5 , 4.5 ) (2.5,4.5) (2.5,4.5),那么最近的四个像素是 ( 2 , 4 ) , ( 2 , 5 ) (2,4),(2,5) (2,4),(2,5), ( 3 , 4 ) (3,4) (3,4), ( 3 , 5 ) (3,5) (3,5)。如果图形是灰度图,那么 ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j)点的像素值可以通过下面的公式计算:

f ( i , j ) = w 1 ∗ p 1 + w 2 ∗ p 2 + w 3 ∗ p 3 + w 4 ∗ p 4 f(i, j)=w1*p1+w2*p2+w3*p3+w4*p4 f(i,j)=w1∗p1+w2∗p2+w3∗p3+w4∗p4

其中, p i = ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) pi=(1,2,3,4) pi=(1,2,3,4)为最近的 4 4 4个像素点, w i w_i wi​为各点的权重。


原因就是因为坐标系的选取问题,按照一些网上的公开实现,将源图像和目标图像的原点均选在左上角,然后根据插值公式计算目标图像每个点的像素,假设我们要将 5 × 5 5\times 5 5×5的图像缩小成 3 × 3 3\times 3 3×3,那么源图像和目标图像的对应关系如下图所示:




int x=i*m/a;int y=j*n/b;


int x=(i+0.5)*m/a-0.5;int y=(j+0.5)*n/b-0.5;

所以在​​interpolate​​​ Op的实现中提供了​​align_corners​​这个参数让用户选择是否对齐输入和输出的几何中心。

0x3. Linear插值


由于 ( y − y 0 ) / ( x − x 0 ) = ( y 1 − y 0 ) / ( x 1 − x 0 ) (y-y_0)/(x-x_0)=(y_1-y_0)/(x_1-x_0) (y−y0​)/(x−x0​)=(y1​−y0​)/(x1​−x0​),

那么 ( x − x 0 ) / ( x 1 − x 0 ) = ( y − y 0 ) / ( y 1 − y 0 ) = k (x-x_0)/(x_1-x_0)=(y-y_0)/(y_1-y_0)=k (x−x0​)/(x1​−x0​)=(y−y0​)/(y1​−y0​)=k

再展开一下可得: y = ( 1 − k ) ∗ y 0 + k ∗ y 1 y=(1-k)*y_0+k*y_1 y=(1−k)∗y0​+k∗y1​

在OneFlow中实现线性插值的代码在​​https://github.com/Oneflow-Inc/oneflow/blob/master/oneflow/user/kernels/upsample_linear_1d_kernel.cpp​​​,我们只看前向,代码中的​​h1lambda​​就对应了这个公式里面的 k k k。

templateOF_DEVICE_FUNC T GetLinearInputIndex(const int64_t out_dim_idx, const T scale, bool align_corners) { if (align_corners) { return static_cast(scale * out_dim_idx); } else { T src_idx = scale * (out_dim_idx + 0.5) - 0.5; return static_cast(src_idx < 0 ? 0 : src_idx); }}static void UpsampleLinear1DForward(const int64_t elem_cnt, const T* in_dptr, NdIndexOffsetHelper in_helper, NdIndexOffsetHelper out_helper, const int in_height, const float scale_factor, bool align_corners, T* out_dptr) { for (int64_t index = 0; index < elem_cnt; ++index) { int64_t n, c, h; out_helper.OffsetToNdIndex(index, n, c, h); const T h1r = GetLinearInputIndex(h, scale_factor, align_corners); const int64_t h1 = h1r; const int64_t h1p = (h1 < in_height - 1) ? 1 : 0; const T h1lambda = h1r - h1; const T h0lambda = static_cast(1.) - h1lambda; out_dptr[index] = h0lambda * in_dptr[in_helper.NdIndexToOffset(n, c, h1)] + h1lambda * in_dptr[in_helper.NdIndexToOffset(n, c, h1 + h1p)]; }}


0x4. nearest插值

最近邻插值法在放大图像时补充的像素是最近邻的像素的值。在0x2中已经讲解了最近邻插值的做法,假设原始图像的大小是 m × n m\times n m×n,目标图像是 a × b a\times b a×b,那么两幅图像的边长比分别是 m / a m/a m/a和 n / b n/b n/b。那么目标图像的 ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j)位置的像素可以通过上面的边长比对应回原图像,坐标为 ( i ∗ m / a , j ∗ n / b ) (i*m/a,j*n/b) (i∗m/a,j∗n/b)。这里对应目标图形像素位置到原始图形像素位置如果是直接四舍五入那么就是最近邻插值。这种插值缺点就是会导致像素的变化不连续,在新图中会产生锯齿。

在OneFlow中实现最近邻插值的代码在​​static int64_t GetNearestInputIndex(const int64_t out_dim_idx, const float scale, const int64_t in_dim_size) { int64_t index = static_cast(std::floor((static_cast(out_dim_idx) * scale))); index = index > in_dim_size - 1 ? in_dim_size - 1 : index; index = index < static_cast(0) ? static_cast(0) : index; return index;}templatestatic void UpsampleNearest1DForward(const int64_t elem_cnt, const T* in_dptr, NdIndexOffsetHelper in_helper, NdIndexOffsetHelper out_helper, const int64_t in_height, const float scale_factor, T* out_dptr) { for (int64_t index = 0; index < elem_cnt; ++index) { int64_t n, c, h; out_helper.OffsetToNdIndex(index, n, c, h); const int64_t in_h = GetNearestInputIndex(h, scale_factor, in_height); out_dptr[index] = in_dptr[in_helper.NdIndexToOffset(n, c, in_h)]; }}


0x5. bilinear插值

假设原始图像的大小是 m × n m\times n m×n,目标图像是 a × b a\times b a×b,那么两幅图像的边长比分别是 m / a m/a m/a和 n / b n/b n/b。那么目标图像的 ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j)位置的像素可以通过上面的边长比对应回原图像,坐标为 ( i ∗ m / a , j ∗ n / b ) (i*m/a,j*n/b) (i∗m/a,j∗n/b)。当然这样获得的坐标可能不是整数,如果强行取整就是普通的最邻近插值,而双线性插值就是通过寻找距离这个对应坐标最近的四个像素点,来计算该点的值,如果坐标是 ( 2.5 , 4.5 ) (2.5,4.5) (2.5,4.5),那么最近的四个像素是 ( 2 , 4 ) , ( 2 , 5 ) (2,4),(2,5) (2,4),(2,5), ( 3 , 4 ) (3,4) (3,4), ( 3 , 5 ) (3,5) (3,5)。如果图形是灰度图,那么 ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j)点的像素值可以通过下面的公式计算: f ( i , j ) = w 1 ∗ p 1 + w 2 ∗ p 2 + w 3 ∗ p 3 + w 4 ∗ p 4 f(i, j)=w1*p1+w2*p2+w3*p3+w4*p4 f(i,j)=w1∗p1+w2∗p2+w3∗p3+w4∗p4。其中, p i = ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) pi=(1,2,3,4) pi=(1,2,3,4)为最近的 4 4 4个像素点, w i w_i wi为各点的权重。

怎么计算 w i w_i wi这里直接截图百度百科的解释,非常清楚:

按照上面的方法来实现代码,OneFlow中实现在​​T>OF_DEVICE_FUNC void GetBilinearParam(const bool align_corners, const int64_t h, const int64_t w, const int64_t in_height, const int64_t in_width, const T scale_h, const T scale_w, BilinearParam* params) { T h1r; if (align_corners) { h1r = scale_h * static_cast(h); } else { h1r = (static_cast(h) + 0.5f) * scale_h - 0.5f; h1r = h1r < 0 ? 0 : h1r; } const int64_t h1 = h1r; const int64_t h1p = (h1 < in_height - 1) ? 1 : 0; T w1r; if (align_corners) { w1r = scale_w * static_cast(w); } else { w1r = (static_cast(w) + 0.5f) * scale_w - 0.5f; w1r = w1r < 0 ? 0 : w1r; } const int64_t w1 = w1r; const int64_t w1p = (w1 < in_width - 1) ? 1 : 0; params->top_h_index = h1; params->bottom_h_index = h1 + h1p; params->h_lerp = h1r - h1; params->left_w_index = w1; params->right_w_index = w1 + w1p; params->w_lerp = w1r - w1;}templatestatic void UpsampleBilinear2DForward(const int64_t elem_cnt, const T* in_dptr, NdIndexOffsetHelper in_helper, NdIndexOffsetHelper out_helper, const int64_t in_height, const int64_t in_width, const T scale_h, const T scale_w, const bool align_corners, T* out_dptr) { for (int64_t index = 0; index < elem_cnt; ++index) { int64_t n, c, h, w; out_helper.OffsetToNdIndex(index, n, c, h, w); BilinearParam params; GetBilinearParam(align_corners, h, w, in_height, in_width, scale_h, scale_w, ¶ms); const int64_t top_offset = in_helper.NdIndexToOffset(n, c, params.top_h_index, 0); const int64_t bottom_offset = in_helper.NdIndexToOffset(n, c, params.bottom_h_index, 0); const T top_left = in_dptr[top_offset + params.left_w_index]; const T top_right = in_dptr[top_offset + params.right_w_index]; const T bottom_left = in_dptr[bottom_offset + params.left_w_index]; const T bottom_right = in_dptr[bottom_offset + params.right_w_index]; const T top = top_left + (top_right - top_left) * params.w_lerp; const T bottom = bottom_left + (bottom_right - bottom_left) * params.w_lerp; out_dptr[index] = top + (bottom - top) * params.h_lerp; }}



0x6. bicubic 插值


wiki:在数值分析这个数学分支中,双三次插值(英语:Bicubic interpolation)是二维空间中最常用的插值方法。在这种方法中,函数 f 在点 (x, y) 的值可以通过矩形网格中最近的十六个采样点的加权平均得到,在这里需要使用两个多项式插值三次函数,每个方向使用一个。


其中 a i j a_{ij} aij的计算方式如下:

注意这里提到 a a a一般取-0.5或者-0.75,我们这里和Pytorch以及OpenCV保持一致,取-0.75。计算W的过程代码实现如下:

// Based on// T>OF_DEVICE_FUNC T cubic_convolution1(const T x, const T A) { return ((A + 2.0) * x - (A + 3.0)) * x * x + 1.0;}templateOF_DEVICE_FUNC T cubic_convolution2(const T x, const T A) { return ((A * x - 5.0 * A) * x + 8.0 * A) * x - 4.0 * A;}templateOF_DEVICE_FUNC void get_cubic_upsample_coefficients(T coeffs[4], const T t) { T A = -0.75; T x1 = t; coeffs[0] = cubic_convolution2(x1 + 1.0, A); coeffs[1] = cubic_convolution1(x1, A); // opposite coefficients T x2 = 1.0 - t; coeffs[2] = cubic_convolution1(x2, A); coeffs[3] = cubic_convolution2(x2 + 1.0, A);}templateOF_DEVICE_FUNC T cubic_interp1d(const T x0, const T x1, const T x2, const T x3, const T t) { T coeffs[4]; get_cubic_upsample_coefficients(coeffs, t); return x0 * coeffs[0] * 1.0 + x1 * coeffs[1] * 1.0 + x2 * coeffs[2] * 1.0 + x3 * coeffs[3] * 1.0;}


void Compute(user_op::KernelComputeContext* ctx) const override { const user_op::Tensor* x_tensor = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("x", 0); user_op::Tensor* y_tensor = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("y", 0); const T* in_ptr = x_tensor->dptr(); T* out_ptr = y_tensor->mut_dptr(); const float height_scale = ctx->Attr("height_scale"); const float width_scale = ctx->Attr("width_scale"); const bool align_corners = ctx->Attr("align_corners"); const int nbatch = x_tensor->shape().At(0); const int channels = x_tensor->shape().At(1); const int64_t in_height = x_tensor->shape().At(2); const int64_t in_width = x_tensor->shape().At(3); const int64_t out_height = y_tensor->shape().At(2); const int64_t out_width = y_tensor->shape().At(3); if (in_height == out_height && in_width == out_width) { memcpy(out_ptr, in_ptr, sizeof(T) * nbatch * channels * in_height * in_width); } else { const T scale_height = GetAreaPixelScale(in_height, out_height, align_corners, height_scale); const T scale_width = GetAreaPixelScale(in_width, out_width, align_corners, width_scale); for (int64_t output_y = 0; output_y < out_height; output_y++) { for (int64_t output_x = 0; output_x < out_width; output_x++) { const T* in = in_ptr; T* out = out_ptr; const T real_x = GetAreaPixel(scale_width, output_x, align_corners, /*cubic=*/true); int64_t input_x = std::floor(real_x); const T t_x = real_x - input_x; const T real_y = GetAreaPixel(scale_height, output_y, align_corners, /*cubic=*/true); int64_t input_y = std::floor(real_y); const T t_y = real_y - input_y; for (int64_t c = 0; c < channels * nbatch; c++) { T coefficients[4]; // Interpolate 4 times in the x direction for (int64_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { coefficients[i] = cubic_interp1d(upsample_get_value_bounded(in, in_width, in_height, input_x - 1, input_y - 1 + i), upsample_get_value_bounded(in, in_width, in_height, input_x + 0, input_y - 1 + i), upsample_get_value_bounded(in, in_width, in_height, input_x + 1, input_y - 1 + i), upsample_get_value_bounded(in, in_width, in_height, input_x + 2, input_y - 1 + i), t_x); } // Interpolate in the y direction using x interpolations out[output_y * out_width + output_x] = cubic_interp1d( coefficients[0], coefficients[1], coefficients[2], coefficients[3], t_y); // Move to next channel in += in_width * in_height; out += out_width * out_height; } } } } }



0x7. trilinear插值

三线性插值(trilinear interpolation)主要是用于在一个3D的立方体中,通过给定顶点的数值然后计算立方体中其他点的数值的线性插值方法。如下图:


在OneFlow中代码实现在这里:​​T>static void UpsampleTrilinear3DForward(const int64_t elem_cnt, const T* in_dptr, NdIndexOffsetHelper in_helper, NdIndexOffsetHelper out_helper, const int64_t in_depth, const int64_t in_height, const int64_t in_width, const T rdepth, const T rheight, const T rwidth, const bool align_corners, T* out_dptr) { for (int64_t index = 0; index < elem_cnt; ++index) { int64_t n, c, d, h, w; out_helper.OffsetToNdIndex(index, n, c, d, h, w); const T t1r = GetAreaPixel(rdepth, d, align_corners); const int64_t t1 = t1r; const int64_t t1p = (t1 < in_depth - 1) ? 1 : 0; const T t1lambda = t1r - t1; const T t0lambda = static_cast(1.) - t1lambda; const T h1r = GetAreaPixel(rheight, h, align_corners); const int64_t h1 = h1r; const int64_t h1p = (h1 < in_height - 1) ? 1 : 0; const T h1lambda = h1r - h1; const T h0lambda = static_cast(1.) - h1lambda; const T w1r = GetAreaPixel(rwidth, w, align_corners); const int64_t w1 = w1r; const int64_t w1p = (w1 < in_width - 1) ? 1 : 0; const T w1lambda = w1r - w1; const T w0lambda = static_cast(1.) - w1lambda; const T* pos1 = &in_dptr[in_helper.NdIndexToOffset(n, c, t1, h1, w1)]; out_dptr[index] = t0lambda * (h0lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[0] + w1lambda * pos1[w1p]) + h1lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[h1p * in_width] + w1lambda * pos1[h1p * in_width + w1p])) + t1lambda * (h0lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[t1p * in_height * in_width] + w1lambda * pos1[t1p * in_height * in_width + w1p]) + h1lambda * (w0lambda * pos1[t1p * in_height * in_width + h1p * in_width] + w1lambda * pos1[t1p * in_height * in_width + h1p * in_width + w1p])); }}



0x8. area插值



上面介绍了​​interpolate​​​ Op的各种插值算法,从Nearest到BiLinear再到Bicubic,获得的结果越来越平滑,但计算的代价也相应的增大。OneFlow和Pytorch一样将基于这个实现各种Upsample Module。还需要说明的是上采样除了这个​​interpolate​​中提到的方法还有反卷积方法,之前已经讲过了,这里就不重复补充。



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