
网友投稿 531 2022-09-07


【GiantPandaCV导语】这篇文章主要是基于Relay 卷积算子和TOPI Resize算子来梳理了一下TVM的算子扭转和实现的具体过程,在这个过程中也了解到了对于不同的后端,TVM提供了各种scheduler来帮助模型加速。最后,希望看完这篇文章的读者能有所收获。其实自己看TVM算子扭转和实现的过程中对于一些小细节把握得不够,也欢迎大家和我一起讨论。(另,本人刚接触TVM,不是带佬,请不要一直知乎私信我做TVM相关的项目了,谢谢)。

0x0. 回顾

上篇文章详细的梳理了TVM的ONNX前端,我们知道了TVM是如何加载ONNX模型并将ONNX的算子转换为Relay表达式的。这篇文章我们将以卷积算子为例,来看一下Relay 表达式是如何转换为TOPI算子并结合TVM的scheduler在后端上运行的。

0x1. Relay 卷积算子的扭转过程

首先还是来到ONNX前端,我们把ONNX的卷积OP转换为TVM OP这个类贴出来:

class Conv(OnnxOpConverter): """Operator converter for Conv.""" @classmethod def _impl_v1(cls, inputs, attr, params): # Use shape of input to determine convolution type. data = inputs[0] input_shape = infer_shape(data) ndim = len(input_shape) # 处理ONNX的卷积算子属性和TVM Relay的卷积OP属性不一致的问题 kernel_type = infer_type(inputs[1]) kernel_shapes = [get_const_tuple(kernel_type.checked_type.shape)] if "kernel_shape" not in attr: attr["kernel_shape"] = kernel_shapes[0][2:] if "auto_pad" in attr: attr["auto_pad"] = attr["auto_pad"].decode("utf-8") if attr["auto_pad"] in ("SAME_UPPER", "SAME_LOWER"): # Warning: Convolution does not yet support dynamic shapes, # one will need to run dynamic_to_static on this model after import data = autopad( data, attr.get("strides", [1] * (ndim - 2)), attr["kernel_shape"], attr.get("dilations", [1] * (ndim - 2)), ndim, ) elif attr["auto_pad"] == "VALID": attr["pads"] = tuple([0 for i in range(ndim - 2)]) elif attr["auto_pad"] == "NOTSET": pass else: msg = 'Value {} in attribute "auto_pad" of operator Conv is invalid.' raise tvm.error.OpAttributeInvalid(msg.format(attr["auto_pad"])) attr.pop("auto_pad") # 完成属性的转换以及OP转换 out = AttrCvt( op_name=dimension_picker("conv"), transforms={ "kernel_shape": "kernel_size", "dilations": ("dilation", 1), "pads": ("padding", 0), "group": ("groups", 1), }, custom_check=dimension_constraint(), )([data, inputs[1]], attr, params) use_bias = len(inputs) == 3 if use_bias: out = _op.nn.bias_add(out, inputs[2]) return out

可以看到这个类的核心就是调用了​​AttrCvt​​​函数来完成ONNX的卷积算子转换为Relay 卷积算子,这个转换包含了属性的转换以及根据layout对weights,inputs,outputs进行重排并返回一个Relay 卷积算子。​​AttrCvt​​​的调用位于​​python/tvm/relay/frontend/common.py​​​文件夹中,根据注释可以看到这个类主要实现了算子扭转,即根据输入的op_name映射到Relay的算子。具体过程是,先对传入的attrs进行检查,如果有非法的属性就报错,如果属性有相应的转换策略就直接转换(即上面代码中的​​transforms​​​),最后调用​​get_relay_op​​​返回一个TVM Relay卷积算子。​​get_relay_op​​函数的实现如下:

def get_relay_op(op_name): """基于OP的名字从Relay中获得调用函数 参数 ---------- op_name : str Relay OP的名字 """ if "." in op_name: # explicit hierachical modules op = _op try: for opn in op_name.split("."): op = getattr(op, opn) except AttributeError: op = None else: # try search op in various modules for candidate in (_op, _op.nn, _op.image, _op.vision, _op.contrib): op = getattr(candidate, op_name, None) if op is not None: break if not op: raise tvm.error.OpNotImplemented("Unable to map op_name {} to relay".format(op_name)) return op

所有的op都位于​​python/tvm/relay/op​​​包中,conv在op/nn中定义。上面代码中的几个for loop就是在​​python/tvm/relay/op​​​下去搜寻满足OP name为​​op_name​​​的Relay算子,找到就返回。至于为什么要分两种情况,这是既支持用户写​​module.xxx​​​也支持直接写​​xxx​​​,这里的​​module​​​可以是​​python/tvm/relay/op​​​包中的任何一级文件夹比如​​nn​​​。​​nn.py​​​中包含如下调用关系:​​conv2d -> _make.conv2d()​​​。然后在​​_make.py​​中实际上实现了C++类到python类的注册,就是一行代码:

tvm._ffi._init_api("relay.op.nn._make", __name__)


def _init_api(namespace, target_module_name=None): """Initialize api for a given module name namespace : str The namespace of the source registry target_module_name : str The target module name if different from namespace """ target_module_name = target_module_name if target_module_name else namespace if namespace.startswith("tvm."): _init_api_prefix(target_module_name, namespace[4:]) else: _init_api_prefix(target_module_name, namespace)def _init_api_prefix(module_name, prefix): module = sys.modules[module_name] for name in list_global_func_names(): if not name.startswith(prefix): continue fname = name[len(prefix) + 1 :] target_module = module if fname.find(".") != -1: continue f = get_global_func(name) ff = _get_api(f) ff.__name__ = fname ff.__doc__ = "TVM PackedFunc %s. " % fname setattr(target_module, ff.__name__, ff)


// relay.nn.conv2dTVM_REGISTER_NODE_TYPE(Conv2DAttrs);TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("relay.op.nn._make.conv2d") .set_body_typed([](Expr data, Expr weight, Array strides, Array padding, Array dilation, int groups, IndexExpr channels, Array kernel_size, String data_layout, String kernel_layout, String out_layout, DataType out_dtype) { return MakeConv(data, weight, strides, padding, dilation, groups, channels, kernel_size, data_layout, kernel_layout, out_layout, out_dtype, "nn.conv2d"); });RELAY_REGISTER_OP("nn.conv2d") .describe(R"code(2D convolution layer (e.g. spatial convolution over images).This layer creates a convolution kernel that is convolvedwith the layer input to produce a tensor of outputs.- **data**: This depends on the `layout` parameter. Input is 4D array of shape (batch_size, in_channels, height, width) if `layout` is `NCHW`.- **weight**: (channels, in_channels, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1])- **out**: This depends on the `layout` parameter. Output is 4D array of shape (batch_size, channels, out_height, out_width) if `layout` is `NCHW`.)code" TVM_ADD_FILELINE) .set_attrs_type() .set_num_inputs(2) .add_argument("data", "Tensor", "The input tensor.") .add_argument("weight", "Tensor", "The weight tensor.") .set_support_level(2) .add_type_rel("Conv2D", Conv2DRel) .set_attr("FInferCorrectLayout", ConvInferCorrectLayout);


#define TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL(OpName) \ TVM_STR_CONCAT(TVM_FUNC_REG_VAR_DEF, __COUNTER__) = ::tvm::runtime::Registry::Register(OpName)


Registry& Registry::Register(const std::string& name, bool can_override) { // NOLINT(*) Manager* m = Manager::Global(); std::lock_guard lock(m->mutex); if (m->fmap.count(name)) { ICHECK(can_override) << "Global PackedFunc " << name << " is already registered"; } Registry* r = new Registry(); r->name_ = name; m->fmap[name] = r; return *r;}


* \param f The function to forward to. * \tparam FLambda The signature of the function. */ template Registry& set_body_typed(FLambda f) { using FType = typename detail::function_signature::FType; return set_body(TypedPackedFunc(std::move(f), name_).packed()); }


template inline Expr MakeConv(Expr data, Expr weight, Array strides, Array padding, Array dilation, int groups, IndexExpr channels, Array kernel_size, std::string data_layout, std::string kernel_layout, std::string out_layout, DataType out_dtype, std::string op_name) { auto attrs = make_object(); attrs->strides = std::move(strides); attrs->padding = std::move(padding); attrs->dilation = std::move(dilation); attrs->groups = groups; attrs->channels = std::move(channels); attrs->kernel_size = std::move(kernel_size); attrs->data_layout = std::move(data_layout); attrs->kernel_layout = std::move(kernel_layout); attrs->out_layout = std::move(out_layout); attrs->out_dtype = std::move(out_dtype); const Op& op = Op::Get(op_name); return Call(op, {data, weight}, Attrs(attrs), {});}


class Call : public Expr { public: /*! * \brief The destructor */ ~Call(); /*! * \brief The constructor * \param op The operator will be invoked. * \param args The arguments of the call. * \param attrs The attributes of the call node. * \param type_args The type arguments passed to a polymorphic function. * \param span The source span of the expression. */ TVM_DLL Call(Expr op, Array args, Attrs attrs = Attrs(), Array type_args = Array(), Span span = Span()); TVM_DEFINE_OBJECT_REF_METHODS(Call, RelayExpr, CallNode);};


特别注意Relay OP并没有包含具体的计算过程!上面的一系列操作仅仅是拿到了Relay 卷积OP的IR以及输入和属性。那么这个OP的计算过程是在哪里完成的呢?是的,就是下面要介绍的TVM的TOPI中。

0x2. TOPI Resize算子扭转过程

TOPI是TVM自己的一个算子库,这些算子可以通过te来进行表达,可以参考官方文档:Resize(OnnxOpConverter): """Operator converter for Resize""" @classmethod def _impl_v10(cls, inputs, attr, params): mode = attr.get("mode").decode("ascii") if mode == "nearest": method = "nearest_neighbor" elif mode == "linear": method = "bilinear" elif mode == "cubic": method = "bicubic" else: raise tvm.error.OpAttributeInvalid( 'Value {} in attribute "mode" of operator Resize is not valid.'.format(mode) ) scale = inputs[1] size = _op.cast(shape_of(inputs[0]), infer_type(scale).checked_type.dtype) * scale layout = "NCHW" # ONNX assumes NCHW layout out_size = fold_constant(_op.strided_slice(size, [2], [4])) return _op.image.resize(inputs[0], out_size, layout, method, "asymmetric")


def resize( data, size, layout="NCHW", method="bilinear", coordinate_transformation_mode="half_pixel", rounding_method="", bicubic_alpha=-0.5, bicubic_exclude=0, out_dtype=None,): """Image resize operator. This operator takes data as input and does 2D scaling to the given scale factor. In the default case, where the data_layout is `NCHW` with data of shape (n, c, h, w) out will have a shape (n, c, size[0], size[1]) method indicates the algorithm to be used while calculating the out value and method can be one of ("bilinear", "nearest_neighbor", "bicubic") Parameters ---------- data : relay.Expr The input data to the operator. size: Tuple of Int or Expr The out size to which the image will be resized. layout : str, optional Layout of the input. method : str, optional Scale method to used [nearest_neighbor, bilinear, bicubic]. coordinate_transformation_mode : string, optional Describes how to transform the coordinate in the resized tensor to the coordinate in the original tensor. Refer to the ONNX Resize operator specification for details. [half_pixel, align_corners, asymmetric] rounding_method: string, optional indicates how to find the "nearest" pixel in nearest_neighbor method [round, floor, ceil] bicubic_alpha: float Spline Coefficient for Bicubic Interpolation bicubic_exclude: int Flag to exclude exterior of the image during bicubic interpolation out_dtype : str, optional Type to return. If left None returns the same type as input. Returns ------- result: relay.Expr The resized result. """ if isinstance(size, Constant): size = list(size.data.asnumpy().astype("int32")) if isinstance(size, Expr): return _dyn_make.resize( data, size, layout, method, coordinate_transformation_mode, rounding_method, bicubic_alpha, bicubic_exclude, out_dtype, ) return _make.resize( data, size, layout, method, coordinate_transformation_mode, rounding_method, bicubic_alpha, bicubic_exclude, out_dtype, )

这里又是经过了​​_make.resize​​​函数,在上一节Relay 卷积算子的扭转过程中我们已经知道在​​_make.py​​​中实际上实现了C++类到python类的注册,因此这里对应了TVM的TOPI Resize算子的C++算子接口。即对应了​​tvm/src/relay/op/image/resize.cc​​中的Resize OP注册代码:

TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("relay.op.image._make.resize").set_body_typed(MakeResize);RELAY_REGISTER_OP("image.resize") .describe(R"code(Perform resize to input array with nearest neighbour or bilinear interpolation.- **data**: data is 4D array of shape (batch_size, channels, in_height, in_width) for NCHW (batch_size, in_height, in_width, channels) for NHWC- **out**: Output is 4D array of shape for layout NCHW (batch_size, channels, size[0], size[1]) for layout NHWC (batch_size, size[0], size[1], channels))code" TVM_ADD_FILELINE) .set_attrs_type() .set_num_inputs(1) .add_argument("data", "Tensor", "The input tensor.") .set_support_level(5) .add_type_rel("Resize", ResizeRel) .set_attr("TOpPattern", kInjective);


最重要的一句话是,Operators corresponding to each node are registered in​​src/relay/op​​​. Implementations of operators are in ​​topi​​, and they are coded in either C++ or Python.



# resize@reg.register_compute("image.resize")def compute_resize(attrs, inputs, out_type): """ compute definition for resize op """ size = attrs.size layout = attrs.layout method = attrs.method coord_trans = attrs.coordinate_transformation_mode rounding_method = attrs.rounding_method bicubic_alpha = attrs.bicubic_alpha bicubic_exclude = attrs.bicubic_exclude out_dtype = attrs.out_dtype return [ topi.image.resize( inputs[0], size, layout, method, coord_trans, rounding_method, bicubic_alpha, bicubic_exclude, out_dtype, ) ]reg.register_injective_schedule("image.resize")

上一节的Relay nn相关的算子也有建立连接的过程,在​​tvm/python/tvm/relay/op/nn/_nn.py​​​中有​​nn.conv2d​​关键字的地方。

然后我们来看一下TOPI Resize算子的具体实现代码,在​​tvm/python/tvm/topi/image/resize.py​​​中的​​resize​​函数,最后一行就是根据上面传入的method来选择使用哪种插值方式进行Resize。

# Determine which interpolation method to use then run it. if method == "nearest_neighbor": compute_func = _nearest_neighbor elif method == "bilinear": compute_func = _bilinear elif method == "bicubic": compute_func = _bicubic else: raise ValueError("%s method is not supported." % method) return te.compute(output_shape, compute_func, name="resize", tag=tag.INJECTIVE)


0x3. 调度

在介绍上面的TOPI算子时贴出了​​tvm/python/tvm/relay/op/image/_image.py​​中建立OP和TOPI算子的连接的代码, 其中最后一行代码如下:





def schedule_injective(outs): """ARM CPU schedule for injective op. Parameters ---------- outs: Array of Tensor The computation graph description of injective in the format of an array of tensors. Returns ------- sch: Schedule The computation schedule for the op. """ outs = [outs] if isinstance(outs, te.tensor.Tensor) else outs s = te.create_schedule([x.op for x in outs]) x = outs[0] if list(s[x].op.axis): # do not vectorize for broadcast (io, ii) = s[x].split(list(s[x].op.axis)[-1], 4) s[x].vectorize(ii) tvm.te.schedule.AutoInlineInjective(s) if not is_empty_shape(x.shape): schedule_injective_from_existing(s, x) return s

0x4. 总结

这篇文章主要是基于Relay 卷积算子和TOPI Resize算子来梳理了一下TVM中的算子扭转和实现的具体过程,在这个过程中我们也了解到了对于不同的后端,TVM提供了各种scheduler来帮助模型加速,希望看完的读者有所收获。其实自己看算子扭转和实现的过程中对于一些小细节可能还把握得不够,也欢迎大家一起讨论。

0x5. 参考


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上一篇:【从零开始学深度学习编译器】番外一,Data Flow和Control Flow(从零开始写编译器)
下一篇:JavaFx Tooltip悬浮提示使用及自定义代码详解

