漏洞分析 dynamic analysis动态分析是什么(漏洞分析报告)

网友投稿 338 2022-09-11

漏洞分析 dynamic analysis动态分析是什么(漏洞分析报告)

In contrast to static analysis, in dynamic analysis of programs, an analyst need to execute the target program in real systems or emulators (Wikipedia 2017). By monitoring the running states and analyzing the runtime knowledge, dynamic analysis tools can detect program bugs precisely. The advantage of dynamic analysis is the high accuracy while there exists the following disadvantages. First, debugging, analyzing and running of the target programs in dynamic analysis cause a heavy human involvement, and result in a low efficiency. Besides, the human involvement requires strong technical skills of analysts. In short, dynamic analysis has the shortcomings of slow speed, low efficiency, high requirements on the technical level of testers, poor scalability, and is difficult to carry out large-scale testing.   与静态分析相比,在动态分析程序时,分析人员需要在实际系统或仿真器中执行目标程序(维基百科 2017)。 通过监控运行状态和分析运行时间知识,动态分析工具可以精确检测程序错误。   动态分析的优点是精度高,同时存在以下缺点。 首先,动态分析中目标程序的调试、分析和运行导致大量人员参与,效率低下。 此外,人的参与需要分析师强大的技术技能。   简言之,动态分析存在速度慢、效率低、对测试人员技术水平要求高、可伸缩性差、难以进行大规模测试等缺点。

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