PAT 1065(patrol是什么车)

网友投稿 272 2022-09-20

PAT 1065(patrol是什么车)

0.题目链接 1065. A+B and C (64bit) (20) 时间限制 100 ms 内存限制 65536 kB 代码长度限制 16000 B 判题程序 Standard 作者 HOU, Qiming Given three integers A, B and C in [-263, 263], you are supposed to tell whether A+B > C. Input Specification: The first line of the input gives the positive number of test cases, T (<=10). Then T test cases follow, each consists of a single line containing three integers A, B and C, separated by single spaces. Output Specification: For each test case, output in one line "Case #X: true" if A+B>C, or "Case #X: false" otherwise, where X is the case number (starting from 1). Sample Input: 3 1 2 3 2 3 4 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808 0 Sample Output: Case #1: false Case #2: true Case #3: false 1.题意分析 给出三个整数A,B,C,范围在【-2^63,2^63】之间,判断A+B是否大于C. 2.坑点分析 (1)A,B,C三个数据都是【-2^63,2^63】之间,所以这道题需要考虑大数据,即我们必须使用long long 来存储数据。 (2)对于两个数A,B,我们可以知道只有当A和B同时大于0时,才可能有A+B>2^63;当A和B同时小于0的时候,才有A+B<(-2^63);若不在此范围之内,我们肯定可以保证数据不会越界。 3.代码如下 #include long long inf1 = ((long long)1<<63)-1;//最大值 long long inf2 = (-1)*inf1- 1;//最小值 void function(long long result ,long long a,long long b,long long c,int count){ result = a+b; if(result <= c){ printf("Case #%d: false\n",count); } else { printf("Case #%d: true\n",count); } count++; } int main(){ int number; scanf("%d",&number); int count = 1; while(number--){ long long a ,b ,c; long long result ; scanf("%lld %lld %lld",&a,&b,&c); //如果两者同时小于0,则有可能超过下界 if(a<0 && b<0){ if(inf2 - a > b){ printf("Case #%d: false\n",count);//a+b肯定小于c } else{ function(result,a,b,c,count); } } //如果两者同时大于0,则有可能超过上界 else if(a >0 && b>0){ if(inf1 - a < b){ printf("Case #%d: true\n",count);//a+b肯定大于c } else{ function(result,a,b,c,count); } } else{ function(result,a,b,c,count); } count++; } } /**测试数据 3 0 0 0 2 3 4 -9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808 0 **/

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上一篇:PAT 1030完美数列(patrol是什么车)
下一篇:springboot restTemplate连接池整合方式

