网友投稿 614 2022-09-21


RFC 7348ToR: Top of Rack (一种数据中心的布线方式,就是在机柜的最上面安装接入交换机)

VNI: VXLAN Network Identifier(or VXLAN Segment ID),The term is used as a representation of a 24-bit NVO instance identifier,with the understanding that VNI will refer to a VXLAN Network Identifier in VXLAN,or Virtual Netowrk Identifier in GENEVE,etc.(VXLAN网络中的标识符。一个VNI标识一个VXLAN网络?)

VTEP: VXLAN Tunnel End Point.An entity that originates and/or terminates VXLAN tunnels.(VXLAN隧道的发起点 和/或 VXLAN隧道的结束点)

VXLAN: Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network.(虚拟扩展局域网络)

VXLAN Gateway: An entity that forwards traffic between VXLANs. (在VXLAN中转发流量的实体)

RFC 7432Broadcast Domain: In a bridged network, the broadcast domain corresponds to a Virtual LAN (VLAN),where a VLAN is typically represented by a single VLAN ID (VID) but can be represented by several VIDs where Shared VLAN Learning (SVL) is used per [802.1Q].(在bridged网络中,Broadcast Domain 对应 VLAN,VLAN可以用VID表示)

EVI consists of a single or muliple BDs. (EVI 由单个或多个BD组成) In case of VLAN-bundle and VLAN-based service models,BD is equivalent to EVI. (在VLAN-bundle 和 VLAN-based 模式,BD等于EVI) In case of VLAN-aware bundle service model,an EVI contains multiple BDs. (在VLAN-aware bundle 模式,EVI包含多个BD) BD and subnet are equivalent terms. (BD = 子网)

Bridge Table:An instantiation of a broadcast domain in a MAC-VRF(MAC-VRF中广播域的实例)

CE: Customer Edge device, e.g., a host, router, or switch(客户边界设备,例如 主机、路由器或交换机)

EVI:E instance.spanning the Provider Edge(PE) device participating in that E.

Ethernet Segment(ES):When a customer site (device or network) is connected to one or more PEs via a set of Ethernet Links,then that set of links is referred to as an Ethernet segment.(当客户站点(设备或网络)通过一组以太网链路连接到一个或多个PE时,这组链路称为 Ethernet segment)

Ethernet Segment Identifier(ESI): A unique non-zero identifier that identifies an Ethernet segment is called an Ethernet segment Identifier.(识别ES的唯一非零标识符,称为ESI),0表示连接到一个PE,非零表示连接到多个PE。华为没有NLRI TYPE 4和TYPE 1,所以ESI只有0,多链路通过M-LAG/CSS等技术实现。没有TYPE 1和4,简化control-planeTYPE 4 功能与M-LAG功能类似,

Ethernet Tag: An Ethernet tag identifies a particular broadcast domain,e.g.,a VLAN. An E instance consists of one or more broadcast domains.(Eternet Tag 标识特定的广播域,如VLAN。 E实例由一个或多个 broadcast domain组成)ET 华为/cisco固定为0 ,表示 vlan-base ,就是一个VLAN一个VNI;这么做的坏处是太费VNI,好处是实现简单。

ES 表示 CE与一个或多个PE间的一组链路,这个链路用ESI来描述,0表示单归,ET表示 一个VXLAN里面有几个二层转发表

RFC 8365Broadcast Domain: In a bridged network, the broadcast domain corresponds to a Virtual LAN (VLAN),where a VLAN is typically represented by a single VLAN ID (VID) but can be represented by several VIDs where Shared VLAN Learning (SVL) is used per [802.1Q].(在bridged网络中,Broadcast Domain 对应 VLAN,VLAN可以用VID表示)

EVI consists of a single or muliple BDs. (EVI 由单个或多个BD组成) In case of VLAN-bundle and VLAN-based service models,BD is equivalent to EVI. (在VLAN-bundle 和 VLAN-based 模式,BD等于EVI) In case of VLAN-aware bundle service model,an EVI contains multiple BDs. (在VLAN-aware bundle 模式,EVI包含多个BD) BD and subnet are equivalent terms. (BD = 子网)

Bridge Table:An instantiation of a broadcast domain in a MAC-VRF(MAC-VRF中广播域的实例)

CE: Customer Edge device, e.g., a host, router, or switch(客户边界设备,例如 主机、路由器或交换机)

EVI:EVPN instance.spanning the Provider Edge(PE) device participating in that E***.

Ethernet Segment(ES):When a customer site (device or network) is connected to one or more PEs via a set of Ethernet Links,then that set of links is referred to as an Ethernet segment.(当客户站点(设备或网络)通过一组以太网链路连接到一个或多个PE时,这组链路称为 Ethernet segment)

Ethernet Segment Identifier(ESI): A unique non-zero identifier that identifies an Ethernet segment is called an Ethernet segment Identifier.(识别ES的唯一非零标识符,称为ESI),0表示连接到一个PE,非零表示连接到多个PE。华为没有NLRI TYPE 4和TYPE 1,所以ESI只有0,多链路通过M-LAG/CSS等技术实现。没有TYPE 1和4,简化control-planeTYPE 4 功能与M-LAG功能类似,

Ethernet Tag: An Ethernet tag identifies a particular broadcast domain,e.g.,a VLAN. An E instance consists of one or more broadcast domains.(Eternet Tag 标识特定的广播域,如VLAN。 E实例由一个或多个 broadcast domain组成)ET 华为/cisco固定为0 ,表示 vlan-base ,就是一个VLAN一个VNI;这么做的坏处是太费VNI,好处是实现简单。

ES 表示 CE与一个或多个PE间的一组链路,这个链路用ESI来描述,0表示单归,ET表示 一个VXLAN里面有几个二层转发表

Draft Inter-Subnet-ForwardingAC: Attachment Circuit AC,接入链路,CE到PE之间的连接链路或虚链路,VPLS网络AC上的所有用户报文一般都要求原封不动的转发到对端SITE去,包括用户的二三层协议报文。

BD Route Target:refers to the Broadcast Domain assigned Route Target. (广播域分配的路由目标,为BD分配的RT)In case of VLAN-aware bundle service model, all the BD instances in the MAC-VRF share the same Route Target.(在VLAN-Aware bundle模型,MAC-VRF中所有的BD实例共享同一个RT)

NVO: Network Virtualization Overlays.

Ethernet NVO tunnel: refers to Network Virtualization Overlay tunnels with Ethernet payload.(有以太网载荷的NVO隧道)Examples of this type of tunnels area VXLAN or GENEVE. (例如 VXLAN,GENEVE)

IP NVO tunnel: it refers to Network Virtualization Overlay tunnels with IP payload(no MAC header in the payload).(有IP载荷的NOV隧道,(有效载荷中没有MAC头部))

IRB: Integrated Routing and Bridging interface.(集成路由和桥接接口)It connects an IP-VRF to a BD(or subnet).(他将IP-VRF连接到一个BD或子网)

SBD: Supplementary Broadcast Domain. (补充广播域)A BD that does not have any ACs,only IRB interfaces, and it is used to provide connectivity among all the IP-VRFs of the tenant. (一种没有AC,只有IRB接口的BD,用于在租户的所有IP-VRF之间提供连接)The SBD is only required in IPVRF-to-IPVRF use-cases. (SBD只在IPVRF-TO-IPVRF中使用)

TS:Tenant System 租户系统

RT(Router Target) = *** Target (一般用BGP AS号:VNI号)


Route DistiNguisher(RD): 用来区分不同的E实例,一个E实例对应一个租户,一个租户可以有多个BD。

"In order to differentiate between routes stored in the BGP tables, MP-BGP uses Route Distinguishers (RDs)" ---66-67页 MP-BGP使用路由区分器RD,区分存储在BGP表中的路由。

8字节 三段组成Route Distinguisher Formats and Types (RD格式与类型)type 0 2字节的ASN(自治系统编号),4字节的Valuetype 1 4字节的IP地址,2字节的Valuetype 2 4字节的ASN(自治系统编号),2字节的Value

"a good rule of thumb is to use a unique RD on a per-VRF, perrouter basis so each logical virtual router instance is individually identifiable." ---67页在每个VRF上使用唯一的RD,每个逻辑虚拟路由器实例都是可识别的。

“In addition to providing unique identifiers for multiple tenants,”除了为多个租户提供唯一标识外,“MP-BGP also uses route policies to prioritize routes in a particular logical instance.”MP-BGP 使用路由策略来确定特定逻辑实例中的路由的优先级。“This is achieved via an attribute called a Route Target (RT)”通过称为 Route Target(RT)的属性实现。


摘自H3C BGP E技术白皮书:E路由中包含RD(Route Distinguisher,路由标识符)字段,用来区分不同VXLAN的E路由,以免E路由冲突。在发布E路由时,需要携带 Target扩展团体属性(也称为Route Target),通过 Target属性来控制E路由信息的发布与接收。 target属性分为以下两种,每一种都可以包括多个属性值:Ø Export target属性:本地VTEP在通过BGP的Update消息将E路由发送给远端VTEP时,将Update消息中携带的 target属性设置为Export target。Ø Import target属性:VTEP收到其它VTEP发布的Update消息时,将消息中携带的 target属性与本地配置的Import target属性进行比较,只有二者中存在相同的属性值时,才会接收该消息中的E***路由

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