shell 脚本实现乘法口诀表的两种方法——shell与C语言(shell编程)

网友投稿 304 2022-09-24

shell 脚本实现乘法口诀表的两种方法——shell与C语言(shell编程)

shell 脚本实现乘法口诀表的两种方法——shell与C语言


1 #!/bin/bash 2 if [ $# -eq 0 ] 3 then 4 echo "welcome you!" 5 echo "this is a test with 2 methods to output arbitrarily mux table!" 6 else 7 echo "sorry you input invliad argc!" 8 echo "you input other argc before!" 9 exit 0 10 fi 11 12 while ((1)) 13 do 14 echo "you can choose 'shell' 'gcc' or 'quit' command" 15 read -p "please input your choice:" choice 16 17 if [ $choice == "shell" ] 18 then 19 echo "will do show shell" 20 read -p "please input a num you want:" num 21 touch 22 echo "" > 23 echo '#!/bin/bash 24 for ((j=1;j<=$1;j++)) 25 do 26 for((i=1;i<=j;i++)) 27 do 28 echo -ne "$i*$j=$[$i*$j]\t" 29 done 30 echo -e "\r" 31 done 32 ' >> 33 chmod 777 34 cat 35 source $num 36 exit 0 37 elif [ $choice == "gcc" ] 38 then 39 echo "will do show c" 40 touch 6.c 41 echo "" > 6.c 42 echo '#include 43 44 45 46 47 int main(int argc,char **argv) 48 { if(argc<2) 49 perror("argc num is not correct!please do it again!"); 50 printf("%s\n",argv[1]); 51 int num; 52 num=atoi(argv[1]); 53 int i,j; 54 for (j=1;j<=num;j++) 55 { 56 for(i=1;i<=j;i++) 57 { 58 printf("%d*%d=%d\t",i,j,i*j); 59 } 60 printf("\n"); 61 } 62 63 return 0; 64 }' >> 6.c 65 cat 6.c 66 #判断是否有安装gcc编译器 67 pName=$(rpm -qa | grep "$gcc") 68 if [ $? -eq 0] 69 then 70 echo "gcc had installed!" 71 else 72 echo "gcc is not installed!" 73 yum install -y gcc 74 fi 75 gcc -o 6 6.c 76 read -p "please input a number you want:" number 77 ./6 $number 78 exit 0 79 elif [ $choice == "quit" ] 80 then 81 exit 0 82 else 83 echo "you don't choose a correct choice!" 84 fi 85 done

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