交换机S1, S2之间有两条链路相连,如果捆绑在一起,成为一个逻辑聚合链路 (trunk),不但增加带宽,并提供冗余容错的能力。
S1>enable S1#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. S1(config)#int port-channel 1 S1(config-if)#exit //以上创建EtherChannel 并指定唯一的编号 1 S1(config)#int f0/13 S1(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode on S1(config-if)#exit S1(config)#int f0/14 S1(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode on S1(config-if)#exit //以上将物理接口指定到已创建的通道中 S1(config)#int port-channel 1 S1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk S1(config-if)#speed 100 S1(config-if)#duplex full S1(config-if)# S1(config-if)#exit //以上配置通道中的物理接口的属性 S1(config)#port-channel load-balance dst-mac S1(config)#end S1# //以上配置EtherChannel 的负载平衡方式,命令格式为port-channel load-balance method。 //负载平衡的方式有dst-ip、set-mac、src-dst-ip、src-dst-mac等。
S1#show etherchannel summary Flags: D - down P - in port-channel I - stand-alone s - suspended H - Hot-standby (LACP only) R - Layer3 S - Layer2 U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregator u - unsuitable for bundling w - waiting to be aggregated d - default port Number of channel-groups in use: 1 Number of aggregators: 1 Group Port-channel Protocol Ports ----------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------- 1 Po1(SU) ------ Fa0/14(P) //可以看到,EtherChannel已经形成,‘SU’表示EtherChannel正常;如果显示为‘SD’,则把EtherChannel接口关闭重新开启。 //关闭命令:no interface port-channel 1
3、配置PAGP或者LACP技术要点:要把接口配置为PAGP的desirable模式,使用channel-group 1 mode desirable命令。要把接口配置为PAGP的auto模式,使用channel-group 1 mode auto命令。要把接口配置为LAGP的active模式,使用channel-group 1 mode active命令。要把接口配置为LAGP的passive模式,使用channel-group 1 mode passive命令。
S1(config)#int range f0/13-14 S1(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode desirable //以上配置S1 S2(config)#int range f0/13-14 S2(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode desirable //以上配置S2 S1#show etherchannel summary Flags: D - down P - in port-channel I - stand-alone s - suspended H - Hot-standby (LACP only) R - Layer3 S - Layer2 U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregator u - unsuitable for bundling w - waiting to be aggregated d - default port Number of channel-groups in use: 1 Number of aggregators: 1 Group Port-channel Protocol Ports ----------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------- 1 Po1(SU) PApP Fa0/13(P) Fa0/14(P) //可以看到,EtherChannel协商成功,注意应在链路的两端进行检查,确认两端都形成EtherChannel通道才行
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