有关CISCO防火墙双线路路由切换的配置和详解(cisco vlan间路由)
route outside 1 track 1
!--- Enter this command in order to track a static route.!--- This is the static route to be installed in the routing !--- table while the tracked object is reachable. The value after!--- the keyword "track" is a tracking ID you specify.
route backup 254
!--- Define the backup route to use when the tracked object is unavailable. !--- The administrative distance of the backup route must be greater than !--- the administrative distance of the tracked route.!--- If the primary gateway is unreachable, that route is removed!--- and the backup route is installed in the routing table!--- instead of the tracked route.
sla monitor 123type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho interface outsidenum-packets 3frequency 10
!--- Configure a new monitoring process with the ID 123. Specify the!--- monitoring protocol and the target network object whose availability the tracking!--- process monitors. Specify the number of packets to be sent with each poll.!--- Specify the rate at which the monitor process repeats (in seconds).
sla monitor schedule 123 life forever start-time now
!--- Schedule the monitoring process. In this case the lifetime!--- of the process is specified to be forever. The process is scheduled to begin!--- at the time this command is entered. As configured, this command allows the!--- monitoring configuration specified above to determine how often the testing!--- occurs. However, you can schedule this monitoring process to begin in the!--- future and to only occur at specified times.
crypto ipsec security-association pmtu-aging infinitecrypto ca trustpool policy!track 1 rtr 123 reachability
!--- Associate a tracked static route with the SLA monitoring process.!--- The track ID corresponds to the track ID given to the static route to monitor:!--- route outside 1 track 1!--- "rtr" = Response Time Reporter entry. 123 is the ID of the SLA process!--- defined above.
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