Fluent Mybatis实际开发中的优势对比

网友投稿 298 2022-10-07

Fluent Mybatis实际开发中的优势对比

之前文章介绍过了Fluent基本框架等,其中有几个重要的方法用到了IQuery和IUpdate对象。 这2个对象是FluentMybatis实现复杂和动态sql的构造类,通过这2个对象fluent mybatis可以不用写具体的xml文件, 直接通过java api可以构造出比较复杂的业务sql语句,做到代码逻辑和sql逻辑的合一。下面接着介绍如何通过IQuery和IUpdate定义强大的动态SQL语句。

表结构 假如有学生成绩表结构如下:

create table `student_score`


id bigint auto_increment comment '主键ID' primary key,

student_id bigint not null comment '学号',

gender_man tinyint default 0 not null comment '性别, 0:女; 1:男',

school_term int null comment '学期',

subject varchar(30) null comment '学科',

score int null comment '成绩',

gmt_create datetime not null comment '记录创建时间',

gmt_modified datetime not null comment '记录最后修改时间',

is_deleted tinyint default 0 not null comment '逻辑删除标识'

) engine = InnoDB default charset=utf8;

统计2000年到2019年, 三门学科(‘英语', ‘数学', ‘语文')分数按学期,学科统计最低分,最高分和平均分,统计结果按学期和学科排序


select school_term, subject, count(score), min(score), max(score), avg(score)

frohttp://m student_score

where school_term between 2000 and 2019

and subject in ('英语', '数学', '语文')

and is_deleted = 0

group by school_term, subject

order by school_term, subject




public class ScoreStatistics {

private int schoolTerm;

private String subject;

private long count;

private Integer minScore;

private Integer maxScore;

private BigDecimal avgScore;


public interface StudentScoreDao extends IBaseDao {


* 统计从fromYear到endYear年间学科subjects的统计数据


* @param fromYear 统计年份区间开始

* @param endYear 统计年份区间结尾

* @param subjects 统计的学科列表

* @return 统计数据


List statistics(int fromYear, int endYear, String[] subjects);




public class StudentScoreDaoImpl extends StudentScoreBaseDao implements StudentScoreDao {


public List statistics(int fromSchoolTerm, int endSchoolTerm, String[] subjects) {

return super.listPoJos(ScoreStatistics.class, super.query()








.and.schoolTerm().between(fromSchoolTerm,http:// endSchoolTerm)











@SpringBootTest(classes = QuickStartApplication.class)

public class StudentScoreDaoImplTest {


private StudentScoreDao dao;


public void statistics() {

List list = dao.statistics(2000, 2019, new String[]{"语文", "数学", "英语"});





DEBUG - ==>  Preparing: SELECT school_term, subject, count(*) AS count, MIN(score) AS min_score, MAX(score) AS max_score, AVG(score) AS avg_score

    FROM student_score

    WHERE is_deleted = ?

    AND school_term BETWEEN ? AND ?

    AND subject IN (?, ?, ?)

    GROUP BY school_term, subject

    ORDER BY school_term ASC, subject ASC 

DEBUG - ==> Parameters: false(Boolean), 2000(Integer), 2019(Integer), 语文(String), 数学(String), 英语(String)

DEBUG - <==      Total: 30

[ScoreStatistics(schoolTerm=2000, subject=数学, count=17, minScore=1, maxScore=93, avgScore=36.0588),


 ScoreStatistics(schoolTerm=2009, subject=语文, count=24, minScore=3, maxScore=100, avgScore=51.2500)]

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