配置流量监控,提示需配置TCAM region
switch(config-if)# service-policy type qos output bigdata-qos
Unable to perform the action due to incompatibility: Module 1 returned status "TCAM region is not configured. Please configure TCAM region and retry the command"
根据您提供的信息, 您当前配置QOS报错是由于e-qos这个TCAM为0 :
2022 Apr 1 22:33:20%switch$ VDC-1 %$ %ACLQOS-SLOT1-2-ACLQOS_FAILED: ACLQOS failure: TCAM region is not configured for feature QoS class IPv4 direction egress. Please configure TCAM region Egress IPV4 QoS [e-qos] and retry the command. >>>>>>>>>>>
Region GID Base Size Width
Egress IPV4 QoS [e-qos]( 25) 28 0 0 2 >>>>>>>
Egress IPV6 QoS [e-ipv6-qos]( 26) 29 0 0 2
Egress MAC QoS [e-mac-qos]( 27) 30 0 0 2
Egress IPV4 VACL [vacl]( 28) 31 0 0 1
Egress IPV6 VACL [ipv6-vacl]( 29) 32 0 0 2
Egress MAC VACL [mac-vacl]( 30) 33 0 0 2
Egress IPV4 RACL [e-racl]( 31) 34 4352 768 1
Egress IPV6 RACL [e-ipv6-racl]( 32) 35 0 0 2
Egress IPV4 QoS Lite [e-qos-lite]( 33) 36 0 0 1
Egress System( 38) 24 3584 256 1
Egress FCoE Counters [fcoe-egress]( 96) 110 0 0 1
Action plan:
需要改region大小, 您可以从其他的TCAM空间重新分配空给e-qos, 例如以下例子为减少e-racl到e-qos:
F241-15-23-N9K-9508-A(config)# hardware access-list tcam region e-racl 256 <<< 之前是768
Please reload all linecards for the configuration to take effect
F241-15-23-N9K-9508-A(config)# hardware access-list tcam region e-qos 256 <<< 之前是0,修改的大小为256的倍数.
Please reload all linecards for the configuration to take effect
做完上述配置后保存并重启板卡, 重启后您可以配置出向QOS了。
Cisco Nexus9508设计用来高速转发数据,QOS也是支持但是很少这样配置
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