=====VXLAN=====MP-BGP af ipv4 === bgp ipv4 add family vrf vpnv4等等 af evpn-------support NLRI : host mac, VNI, ext. community (vxlan, seq)VXLAN-CP (不一定会使用MPBGP-E×××技术 ,使用 LISP和SDN 都可以实现VXLAN) MPBGP-E×××BID---冗余 RP ---幻影RP phantom RP 分为primary and secondary ip=====evpnv4=====mpls vpn理解PE上做mpgbp,rd用来区分客户的.×××V4传的是rd+prefix.RT import/export访问权 ,可以用来区分不同客户相同私网的作用.MPBGP-支持rd auto,E×××-NLRI-网络层可达信息用来传mac(route type2), mac+ip(route type2), external internal subnet prefixs (route type5) 只关心前缀 show bgp l2vpn evpn [rd]如果是传 macbgp routing table entry for [2]-route type:[0]-ESI:[0]-Ethtag(关联vlan):[48]-mac address length:[0000.3001.1011]-Mac adress:[]/216macmpls label1 l2vnirouter target for mac-vrfmac attribute 是必须的如果是传 mac + ipmac and ipmpls label1 l2vnirouter target for mac-vrfmpls label2 l3vinroute target for ip-vrfrouter macip attribute是optional如果传ip prefixip prefixmpls labelroute target for ip-vrfrouter macBGP ××× configuration summarybridge模式: vlan base 1:1:1 vid---vni--evi,vlan-aware 1:1:Nroute模式:???=============Lan Switching=================1-1 multicastip pim spshow ip mroute ---*,gip pim rp-address x.x.x.x group-list Y.Y.Y.Y bid=================存储网络架构及服务=========================FC: N/F/E show interface, Trunk switch port trunk mode onNport: is used to connect to a node to a fiber channel switchFport: Fabric port is that conned to peripheral device (server or storage ) operation as an N portshow flogi databaseshow fcns databaseVSAN, trunk mode on, off, autodomain管理Fcoe5k 配置流程feature vsan databasevlan-foce vsaninterface vfcinterface ex/x trunkshow vlan fcoeshow interface ex/x fcoeshow interface vfcshow vsan memebershipshow foce databasedevice alias: friendly name to WWNs,basic/enhanceddevice-alisas databasedevice-alias name foo pwwn xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx===复习====
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