思科WLC5508 7.4.121 版本 BUG

网友投稿 373 2022-10-27

思科WLC5508 7.4.121 版本 BUG


WLC IOS版本:7.4.121


As we discussed over the phone, we found the following errormessage in the log, which indicates it might hit the below bug.

22 09:14:12.559: [ERROR] ewmain.c 5379: emweb internal error -handle not in Handle table

Mar 22 09:14:12.559: [ERROR] ewmain.c 2931: EmWeb: Handle tableoverflow @2931

Mar 22 09:14:02.997: [ERROR] ewmain.c 5379: emweb internal error -handle not in Handle table

Mar 22 09:14:02.997: [ERROR] ewmain.c 2931: EmWeb: Handle tableoverflow @2931

The bug has been fixed from the 7.6 and 8.0 version. But 7.6version has been deferred from the CCO and not recommended, so we may considerthe latest 8.0 version.(厂家建议升级成8.0以上的版本)

BTW:there is an Management Interface DoS Vulnerability of the7.4.121.0 version. Pls refer the blow link for details.

it’s suggest to upgrade to prevent this Vulnerability.


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下一篇:java GUI实现加法计算器

