
网友投稿 333 2022-10-27


第一个问题:光缆的区别?1、外观2、传输距离3、波长4、芯径    第二个问题:两台交换机如何通过光缆进行互联?1、光缆(明确光缆的类型、长度)1、交换机2、光模块(明确光模块的类型、速率)3、光纤跳线 (明确跳线的类型、长度、速率)5、耦合器(明确耦合器的类型)6、尾纤(明确跳线的类型、长度、速率)7、光纤配线架或者光纤终端盒(明确具体的类型)第三个问题:上述两台交换机之间无法通信?1、交换机的带电状态---->交换机接口故障--->替换法2、接口状态-->down3、检查模块-->替换新模块或者现有正常使用--->4、检查跳线-->替换法5、更换光纤配线架上未使用的光纤接口--->替换法6、检查交换机收发功率--->1、查看交换机接口是否支持查看-->2、使用光功率计进行测试(测试范围,先打光后测试光)---->   7、耦合器对接线未插接牢固-->光缆熔接有问题8、光电复用口-->开启光口9、光接口协商速率问题

备注:查看接口光功率(光模块需被网络设备识别)run show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-2/1/1  //juniper网络设备dis transceiver diagnosis interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/14   //华三设备show intface gx/x transceiver   //锐捷网络设备interface

例如:////////////华三网络设备///////////////////////dis transceiver diagnosis interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/14GigabitEthernet1/0/14 transceiver diagnostic information:  Current diagnostic parameters:    Temp.( Voltage(V)  Bias(mA)  RX power(dBm)  TX power(dBm)      34         3.34        7.04      -5.96          -5.05            Alarm thresholds:          Temp.( Voltage(V)  Bias(mA)  RX power(dBm)  TX power(dBm)      High  88         3.80        17.00     0.00           -2.00              Low   -23        2.80        1.00      -16.99         -12.50         //////Juniper网络设备//////////////////admin@YiKaTong_DC-MX960# run show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-2/1/1    Physical interface: xe-2/1/1    Laser bias current                        :  34.130 mA    Laser output power                        :  0.6870 mW / -1.63 dBm    Module temperature                        :  21 degrees C / 70 degrees F    Laser rx power                            :  0.9342 mW / -0.30 dBm    Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off    Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off    Laser bias current high warning           :  Off    Laser bias current low warning            :  Off    Laser output power high alarm             :  Off    Laser output power low alarm              :  Off    Laser output power high warning           :  Off    Laser output power low warning            :  Off    Module temperature high alarm             :  Off    Module temperature low alarm              :  Off    Module temperature high warning           :  Off    Module temperature low warning            :  Off    Laser rx power high alarm                 :  Off    Laser rx power low alarm                  :  Off    Laser rx power high warning               :  Off    Laser rx power low warning                :  Off    Module not ready alarm                    :  Off    Module power down alarm                   :  Off    Tx data not ready alarm                   :  Off    Tx not ready alarm                        :  Off    Tx laser fault alarm                      :  Off    Tx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off    Rx not ready alarm                        :  Off    Rx loss of signal alarm                   :  Off    Rx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off    Laser bias current high alarm threshold   :  80.000 mA    Laser bias current low alarm threshold    :  10.000 mA    Laser bias current high warning threshold :  75.000 mA    Laser bias current low warning threshold  :  12.000 mA    Laser output power high alarm threshold   :  1.2580 mW / 1.00 dBm    Laser output power low alarm threshold    :  0.2230 mW / -6.52 dBm    Laser output power high warning threshold :  1.1210 mW / 0.50 dBm    Laser output power low warning threshold  :  0.2510 mW / -6.00 dBm    Module temperature high alarm threshold   :  80 degrees C / 176 degrees F    Module temperature low alarm threshold    :  -15 degrees C / 5 degrees F    Module temperature high warning threshold :  75 degrees C / 167 degrees F    Module temperature low warning threshold  :  -10 degrees C / 14 degrees F    Laser rx power high alarm threshold       :  1.2589 mW / 1.00 dBm    Laser rx power low alarm threshold        :  0.0100 mW / -20.00 dBm    Laser rx power high warning threshold     :  1.0000 mW / 0.00 dBm    Laser rx power low warning threshold      :  0.0158 mW / -18.01 dBm

////////////锐捷网络设备////////////////////To-Jiaoxuelou#show interfaces transceiver

========Interface GigabitEthernet 0/1========Transceiver Type    :  1000BASE-LX-SFPConnector Type      :  LCWavelength(nm)      :  1310Transfer Distance   :     SMF fiber        -- 10km    50/125 um OM2 fiber        -- 550m    62.5/125 um OM1 fiber        -- 550mDigital Diagnostic Monitoring  : YESVendor Serial Number           : FNS172830XF

========Interface GigabitEthernet 0/2========Transceiver Type    :  1000BASE-LX-SFPConnector Type      :  LCWavelength(nm)      :  1310Transfer Distance   :     SMF fiber        -- 10kmDigital Diagnostic Monitoring  : NOVendor Serial Number           : G1HD6B1022424

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上一篇:RPM   YUM

