1、 文件模块
1.1 常用文件模块
模块名称 | 模块介绍 |
blockinfile | 在文件上下添加注释 |
copy | 将本地文件复制到远程主机 |
fetch | 将受管节点数据拉取到本地 |
file | 创建、删除文件,设置文件权限、SELinux等信息 |
lineinfile | 编辑已存在的文件,可以通过正则匹配 |
stat | 查看文件信息 |
synchronize | 做文件同步相关操作 |
1.2 使用file模块
state | 说明 |
state: touch | 指定类型为普通文件 |
state: directory | 指定类型为目录文件 |
state: link | 指定类型为连接文件 |
state:absent | 删除文件 |
1.2.1 创建一个文件
- name: 创建一个文件 file: path: /etc/foo.conf state: touch
1.2.2 创建一个目录文件
- name: 创建一个目录文件 file: path: /etc/foo state: directory
1.2.3 创建一个软链接
- name: 创建一个软链接 file: src: /file/to/link/to dest: /path/to/symlink owner: foo group: foo state: link
1.2.4 创建一个硬链接
- name: 创建一个硬链接 file: src: '/tmp/{{ item.src }}' dest: '{{ item.dest }}' state: link with_items: - { src: x, dest: y } - { src: z, dest: k }
1.2.5 指定文件权限
- name: 指定文件权限 file: path: /etc/some_directory state: directory mode: '0755'
1.2.6 设置文件SELinux
- name: 创建一个文件 file: path: /etc/foo.conf state: touch setype: samba_share_t
1.2.7 删除一个文件
- name: 删除一个文件 file: path: /etc/foo.conf state: absent
1.2.7 file模块小练习
创建一个文件,权限0644 使用stat模块查看
[student@workstation control-review]$ cat mmx.yml --- - name: 文件模块 hosts: all tasks: - name: 创建一个文件 file: path: /root/mmx state: touch mode: 0644
[student@workstation control-review]$ ansible all -a 'ls -al /root/mmx' | CHANGED | rc=0 >> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Aug 14 11:20 /root/mmx
1.3 修改文件属性
- name: Allow apache to modify files in /srv/git_repos sefcontext: target: '/srv/git_repos(/.*)?' setype: httpd_git_rw_content_t state: present
1.4 从远端拉取文件
[student@workstation control-review]$ cat mmx01.yml --- - name: 文件模块 hosts: all tasks: - name: 拉取文件 fetch: src: /etc/fstab dest: /home/student/control-review/
[student@workstation control-review]$ tree └── etc └── fstab
1.5 修改文件内容
1.5.1 linefile常用参数
参数 | 说明 |
path | 文件路径 |
regexp | 通过正则匹配 |
line | 修改的行 |
owner | 所有者 |
group | 所属组 |
mode | 权限 |
create | 是否创建 |
state | 新增或删除 |
1.5.2 lineinfile添加一行内容
# 加入一行 [student@workstation control-review]$ cat mmx02.yml --- - name: 文件模块 hosts: all become: no tasks: - name: 修改文件内容 lineinfile: path: ~/xiaoming.txt line: 'hello mmx!' state: present
[student@workstation control-review]$ ansible all -a 'cat xiaoming.txt' | CHANGED | rc=0 >> hello xiaoming hello mmx!
1.6 添加注释
[student@workstation control-review]$ cat mmx03.yml --- - name: 文件模块 hosts: all become: no tasks: - name: 创建一个文件 file: path: xiaobai.txt state: touch - name: 加入注释 blockinfile: path: xiaobai.txt block: | Match User ansible-agent PasswordAuthentication no marker: "### hello world ###"
[student@workstation control-review]$ ansible all -a 'cat /home/devops/xiaobai.txt' | CHANGED | rc=0 >> ### hello world ### Match User ansible-agent PasswordAuthentication no ### hello world ###
1.7 检查文件状态
[student@workstation control-review]$ cat mmx04.yml --- - name: 检查文件状态 hosts: all vars_files: - vars/mmx.yml tasks: - name: use stat module stat: path: /etc/fstab checksum_algorithm: "{{ stat }}" register: result - debug: msg='The checksum of the file is "{{ result.stat.checksum }}"'
[student@workstation control-review]$ ansible-playbook mmx04.yml TASK [debug] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg": "The checksum of the file is \"3b1d0d2a7e340e67cf2fe0fed228b5a0\"" }
1.8 同步文件
- name: 同步文件 synchronize: src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path
1.9 文件模块练习
1.9.1 第一题
开启实验环境,进入目录,创建一个名为secure_log_backups.yml的play secure_log_backups.yml作用于所有主机组,提权到用户root 使用fetch模块拉取/var/log/secure目录文件到本地目录secure-backups
[student@workstation file-manage]$ cat secure_log_backups.yml --- - name: 使用fetch模块 hosts: all remote_user: root tasks: - name: 拉取/var/log/secure信息 fetch: src: /var/log/secure dest: secure-backups falt: no
# 检查语法 [student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible-playbook --syntax-check secure_log_backups.yml playbook: secure_log_backups.yml # 执行playbook [student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible-playbook secure_log_backups.yml PLAY [使用fetch模块] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [拉取/var/log/secure信息] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 # 查看拉取结果 [student@workstation file-manage]$ ls ansible.cfg files inventory secure-backups secure_log_backups.yml [student@workstation file-manage]$ tree secure-backups/ secure-backups/ ├── │ └── var │ └── log │ └── secure └── └── var └── log └── secure 6 directories, 2 files
1.9.2 第二题
参数 | 值 |
src | files/users.txt |
dest | /home/devops/users.txt |
owner | devops |
group | devops |
mode | u+rw,g-wx,o-rwx |
setype | samba_share_t |
[student@workstation file-manage]$ cat copy_file.yml --- - name: use copy module hosts: all remote_user: root tasks: - name: copy filea and set attributes copy: src: files/users.txt dest: /home/devops/users.txt owner: devops group: devops mode: u+rw,g-wx,o-rwx setype: samba_share_t
# 使用-Z参数可以查看安全上下文 [student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible all -a 'ls -Z users.txt' -u devops | CHANGED | rc=0 >> unconfined_u:object_r:samba_share_t:s0 users.txt | CHANGED | rc=0 >> unconfined_u:object_r:samba_share_t:s0 users.txt
1.9.3 第三题
创建selinux_defaults.yml的playbook 创建文件users.txt,设置user、role、tpye、level均为_default
[student@workstation file-manage]$ cat selinux_defaults.yml --- - name: set file selinux hosts: all remote_user: root tasks: - name: set selinux file: path: /home/devops/users.txt seuser: _default serole: _default setype: _default selevel: _default
# 使用ad hoc查看selinux [student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible all -a 'ls -ldZ users.txt' -u devops | CHANGED | rc=0 >> -rw-r-----. 1 devops devops unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 0 Aug 14 16:23 users.txt | CHANGED | rc=0 >> -rw-r-----. 1 devops devops unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 0 Aug 14 16:23 users.txt
1.9.4 第四题
创建add_line.yml的playbook 将"This line was added by the lineinfile module."添加到/home/devops/users.txt中
[student@workstation file-manage]$ cat add_line.yml --- - name: 添加一段话 hosts: all remote_user: root tasks: - name: 使用lineinfile添加一行 lineinfile: path: /home/devops/users.txt line: "This line was added by the lineinfile module."
[student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible all -a 'cat ~/users.txt' -u devops | CHANGED | rc=0 >> This line was added by the lineinfile module. | CHANGED | rc=0 >> This line was added by the lineinfile module.
1.9.5 第五题
创建add_block.yml添加一个说明 在users.txt下添加: This block of the consists of two lines. They have been added by the blockinfile module
[student@workstation file-manage]$ cat add_block.yml --- - name: 添加一个说明 hosts: all remote_user: root tasks: - name: 使用blockinfile模块 blockinfile: path: /home/devops/users.txt block: | This block of the consists of two lines They have been added by the blockinfile module
[student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible all -a 'cat users.txt' -u devops | CHANGED | rc=0 >> This line was added by the lineinfile module. # BEGIN ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK This block of the consists of two lines They have been added by the blockinfile module # END ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK | CHANGED | rc=0 >> This line was added by the lineinfile module. # BEGIN ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK This block of the consists of two lines They have been added by the blockinfile module # END ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK
1.9.6 第六题
创建一个remove_file.yml的文件 删除文件users.txt
[student@workstation file-manage]$ cat remove_file.yml --- - name: 删除文件 hosts: all remote_user: root tasks: - name: 删除users.txt的文件 file: path: /home/devops/users.txt state: absent
[student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible all -a 'ls -l' -u devops | CHANGED | rc=0 >> total 0 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> total 0
2、 JINJA2 模板
2.1 使用模板文件
# 如果是循环or条件判断,开头{% EXPR %},结尾{{ EXPR }} # 包裹变量{{ 变量 }} # 注释{# XXX #} {# /etc/hosts line #} {{ ansible_facts['defaults_ipv4']['address'] }} {{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}
2.2 创建JINJA2模板
可以使用ansible hostname -m setup查看fact变量,magic变量 可以使用自定义变量group_vars(存放主机组)和host_vars(存放主机)
[student@workstation file-manage]$ cat test.j2 hello , {{ inventory_hostname }} ! my ip : {{ ansible_default_ipv4['address'] }}
2.3 使用template模块调用JINJA2模板
[student@workstation file-manage]$ cat mmx.yml --- - name: 使用jinja2模板文件 hosts: all remote_user: root tasks: - name: 创建/root/mmx.txt文件 template: src: test.j2 dest: /root/mmx.txt
[student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible all -a 'cat /root/mmx.txt' -u root | CHANGED | rc=0 >> hello , ! my ip : | CHANGED | rc=0 >> hello , ! my ip :
2.4 使用JINJA2循环
2.4.1 循环格式
# 格式:{% for 变量 in 变量组%} # {{ 变量 }} # {% endfor %} [student@workstation file-manage]$ cat test.j2 hello , {{ inventory_hostname }} ! my ip : {{ ansible_default_ipv4['address'] }} {% for name in home %} 家庭成员: {{ name }} {% endfor %}
2.4.2 循环示例
[student@workstation file-manage]$ cat mmx.yml --- - name: 使用jinja2模板文件 hosts: all vars: - home: - xiaoming - xiaohong - xiaobai - xiaoli remote_user: root tasks: - name: 创建/root/mmx.txt文件 template: src: test.j2 dest: /root/mmx.txt
[student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible all -a 'cat /root/mmx.txt' -u root | CHANGED | rc=0 >> hello , ! my ip : 家庭成员: xiaoming 家庭成员: xiaohong 家庭成员: xiaobai 家庭成员: xiaoli | CHANGED | rc=0 >> hello , ! my ip : 家庭成员: xiaoming 家庭成员: xiaohong 家庭成员: xiaobai 家庭成员: xiaoli
2.5 使用JINJA2用于判断
2.5.1 判断格式
# 使用if+endif开头结尾,中间是条件成立执行 # {% if 条件 %} # {{ result}} # {% endif %} 或 # {% if 条件 %} # {{ result1 }} # {% else %} # {{ result2 }} # {% endif %}
2.5.2 判断示例
# 4>3,所以一定执行第一个if判断,第二个不会执行 [student@workstation file-manage]$ cat test.j2 {% if 4>3 %} 4大于3 {% else %} 4小于3 {% endif %}
[student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible all -a 'cat /root/mmx.txt' -u root | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 4大于3
2.6 变量过滤器
[student@workstation file-manage]$ ansible all -m setup -a 'filter="*fqdn*"' | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_fqdn": "", "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python" }, "changed": false } | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_fqdn": "", "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python" }, "changed": false }
2.7 JINJA2模板练习
2.7.1 题目说明
开启实验环境 创建一个inventory文件,文件包括
[webservers] [workstations]
创建一个motd.j2的文件 使用变量ansible_facts['fqdn'],描述主机完全限定域名 使用变量ansible_facts['distribution'],描述主机系统 使用变量ansible_facts['distribution_version'],描述系统版本 使用变量system_owner,描述系统所有者邮箱 创建一个motd.yml的文件,使用motd.j2模板,在所有节点设置/etc/motdd文件信息,所有者所属组均为root,权限0644
2.7.2 实验
1、 编辑模板文件
[student@workstation file-template]$ cat motd.j2 主机的FQDN: {{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }} 主机系统: {{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }} 系统版本: {{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'] }} 系统所有者邮箱: {{ system_owner }}
2、 编辑playbook文件
[student@workstation file-template]$ cat motd.yml --- - name: 配置SOE hosts: all remote_user: root become: true vars: - system_owner: tasks: - name: 配置/etc/motd template: src: motd.j2 dest: /etc/motd owner: root group: root mode: 0644
3、 执行
[student@workstation file-template]$ ansible-playbook motd.yml PLAY [配置SOE] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [配置/etc/motd] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
4、 测试查看结果
[student@workstation file-template]$ ssh workstation 主机的FQDN: 主机系统: RedHat 系统版本: 8.0 系统所有者邮箱: Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket Last login: Sun Aug 14 22:33:28 2022 from [student@workstation ~]$ ssh servera 主机的FQDN: 主机系统: RedHat 系统版本: 8.0 系统所有者邮箱: Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket Last login: Sun Aug 14 22:33:28 2022 from
3、 综合实验
3.1 题目要求
开启实验 创建inventory文件,主机组:servers包括主机 创建motd.j2文件,输出系统总内存和核心数 使用变量ansible_facts['memtotal_mb']统计系统总内存 使用变量ansible_processor_count统计系统处理器个数 创建motd.yml文件 使用motd.j2模板 所有者和所有组为root 权限为0644,输出到/etc/motd 使用stat和debug模块,检查 /etc/motd的状态并打印出相关信息 使用copy模块将files/issue放到受管节点/etc目录下,所有者和所有组均为root,权限为0644 使用file模块确定将/etc/issue.net链接到/etc/issue 远程连接用户为devops,需要提升权限 运行playbook,检查语法 判断成绩,结束实验
3.2 实验
3.2.1 开启实验
[student@workstation ~]$ lab file-review start Setting up workstation for lab exercise work: · The ansible package is installed on workstation............. SUCCESS · Creating the working directory.............................. SUCCESS · Downloading ansible.cfg..................................... SUCCESS · Downloading inventory....................................... SUCCESS · Downloading motd.j2......................................... SUCCESS · Downloading issue........................................... SUCCESS · Downloading motd.yml........................................ SUCCESS · Changing permissions to the working directory............... SUCCESS · Configuring sshd on SUCCESS · Restarting sshd on SUCCESS · Backing up files on SUCCESS [student@workstation ~]$ cd file-review/ [student@workstation file-review]$ cat ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory = inventory ansible_managed = Ansible managed: modified on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
3.2.2 编辑inventory文件和motd.j2文件
[student@workstation file-review]$ cat inventory [servers] [student@workstation file-review]$ cat motd.j2 总内存: {{ ansible_facts['memtotal_mb'] }} 核心数: {{ ansible_facts['pocessor_count'] }}
3.2.3 编辑playbook文件
[student@workstation file-review]$ cat motd.yml --- - name: 综合实验 hosts: all remote_user: devops become: yes tasks: - name: 配置/etc/motd template: src: motd.j2 dest: /etc/motd owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - name: 使用copy模块将files/issue放到/etc/issue copy: src: files/issue dest: /etc/issue owner: root group: root mode: '0644' - name: 使用stat模块+debug检查文件 stat: path: /etc/issue register: issue_msg - debug: var: issue_msg - name: 删除一个文件 file: path: /etc/ state: absent ignore_errors: yes - name: 使用file模块做链接 file: src: /etc/issue dest: /etc/ state: link
3.2.4 运行playbook
[student@workstation file-review]$ ansible-playbook motd.yml PLAY [综合实验] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] TASK [配置/etc/motd] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] TASK [使用copy模块将files/issue放到/etc/issue] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [使用stat模块+debug检查文件] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] => { "issue_msg": { "changed": false, "failed": false, "stat": { "atime": 1660493389.059687, "attr_flags": "", "attributes": [], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "us-ascii", "checksum": "daa29e8adf76b04b6c747a9d5b87afaa88bcb3be", "ctime": 1660493346.003687, "dev": 64513, "device_type": 0, "executable": false, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 4320643, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": true, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "text/plain", "mode": "0644", "mtime": 1660493345.818687, "nlink": 1, "path": "/etc/issue", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 395, "uid": 0, "version": "1968508434", "wgrp": false, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": false, "xoth": false, "xusr": false } } } TASK [删除一个文件] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] TASK [使用file模块做链接] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* : ok=7 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 # 测试实验结果 [student@workstation file-review]$ ssh serverb *------------------------------- PRIVATE SYSTEM -----------------------------* * Access to this computer system is restricted to authorised users only. * * * * Customer information is confidential and must not be disclosed. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* 总内存: 821 核心数: 1
3.2.5 判断成绩
[student@workstation file-review]$ lab file-review grade Grading the student's work on workstation: · Ensuring Ansible inventory file is present.................. PASS · Ensuring motd.j2 file is present............................ PASS · Ensuring Ansible playbook is present........................ PASS Grading the student's work on · Checking motd............................................... PASS · Checking /etc/issue......................................... PASS · Checking /etc/ PASS Overall lab grade.............................................. PASS # 结束实验 [student@workstation file-review]$ lab file-review grade Grading the student's work on workstation: · Ensuring Ansible inventory file is present.................. PASS · Ensuring motd.j2 file is present............................ PASS · Ensuring Ansible playbook is present........................ PASS Grading the student's work on · Checking motd............................................... PASS · Checking /etc/issue......................................... PASS · Checking /etc/ PASS Overall lab grade.............................................. PASS
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