java JTree JCheckBox树复选框详解
本文实例为大家分享了java JTree JCheckBox树复选框展示的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下
public class CheckTreeManager extends MouseAdapter implements TreeSelectionListener
private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel = null;
// private JTree tree = new JTree();
private JTree tree = null;
nmsyqLOnU int hotspot = new JCheckBox().getPreferredSize().width;
public CheckTreeManager(JTree tree)
this.tree = tree;
selectionModel = new CheckTreeSelectionModel(tree.getModel());
tree.setCellRenderer(new CheckTreeCellRenderer(tree.getCellRenderer(), selectionModel));
tree.addMouseListener(this); //鼠标监听
selectionModel.addTreeSelectionListener(this); //树选择监听
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me)
TreePath path = tree.getPathForLocation(me.getX(), me.getY());
boolean selected = selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true);
public CheckTreeSelectionModel getSelectionModel()
return selectionModel;
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e)
public class CheckTreeSelectionModel extends DefaultTreeSelectionModel
private TreeModel model;
public CheckTreeSelectionModel(TreeModel model)
this.model = model;
// tests whether there is any unselected node in the subtree of given path
public boolean isPartiallySelected(TreePath path){
if(isPathSelected(path, true))
return false;
TreePath[] selectionPaths = getSelectionPaths();
return false;
for(int j = 0; j { if(isDescendant(selectionPaths[j], path)) return true; } return false; } // tells whether given path is selected. // if dig is true, then a path is assumed to be selected, if // one of its ancestor is selected. public boolean isPathSelected(TreePath path, boolean dig) { if(!dig) return super.isPathSelected(path); while(path!=null && !super.isPathSelected(path)) path = path.getParentPath(); return path!=null; } // is path1 descendant of path2 private boolean isDescendant(TreePath path1, TreePath path2) { Object obj1[] = path1.getPath(); Object obj2[] = path2.getPath(); for(int i = 0; i { if(obj1[i]!=obj2[i]) return false; } return true; } public void setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] pPaths) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented yet!!!"); } public void addSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths) { // unselect all descendants of paths[] for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; TreePath[] selectionPaths = getSelectionPaths(); if(selectionPaths==null) break; ArrayList toBeRemoved = new ArrayList(); for(int j = 0; j { if(isDescendant(selectionPaths[j], path)) toBeRemoved.add(selectionPaths[j]); } super.removeSelectionPaths((TreePath[])toBeRemoved.toArray(new TreePath[0])); } // if all siblings are selected then unselect them and select parent recursively // otherwize just select that path. for(int i = 0; i { TreePath path = paths[i]; TreePath temp = null; while(areSiblingsSelected(path)) { temp = path; if(path.getParentPath()==null) break; path = path.getParentPath(); } if(temp!=null) { if(temp.getParentPath()!=null) addSelectionPath(temp.getParentPath()); else { if(!isSelectionEmpty()) removeSelectionPaths(getSelectionPaths()); super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp}); } } else super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); } } // tells whether all siblings of given path are selected. private boolean areSiblingsSelected(TreePath path) { TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); if(parent==null) return true; Object node = path.getLastPathComponent(); Object parentNode = parent.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(parentNohttp://de); for(int i = 0; i { Object childNode = model.getChild(parentNode, i); if(childNode==node) continue; if(!isPathSelected(parent.pathByAddingChild(childNode))) return false; } return true; } public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths) { for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; if(path.getPathCount()==1) super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); else toggleRemoveSelection(path); } } // if any ancestor node of given path is selected then unselect it // and selection all its descendants except given path and descendants. // otherwise just unselect the given path private void toggleRemoveSelection(TreePath path) { Stack stack = new Stack(); TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); while(parent!=null && !isPathSelected(parent)) { stack.push(parent); parent = parent.getParentPath(); } if(parent!=null) stack.push(parent); else{ super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{path}); return; } while(!stack.isEmpty()) { TreePath temp = (TreePath)stack.pop(); TreePath peekPath = stack.isEmpty() ? path : (TreePath)stack.peek(); Object node = temp.getLastPathComponent(); Object peekNode = peekPath.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(node); for(int i = 0; i Object childNode = model.getChild(node, i); if(childNode!=peekNode) super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp.pathByAddingChild(childNode)}); } } super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{parent}); } } 3.CheckTreeCellRenderer .java public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer { private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel; private TreeCellRenderer delegate; // private TristateCheckBox checkBox = new TristateCheckBox(); private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(); public CheckTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer delegate, CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel){ this.delegate = delegate; this.selectionModel = selectionModel; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); checkBox.setOpaque(false); } public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){ Component rendernmsyqLOnUer = delegate.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if(path!=null) { System.out.println(path); if(selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true)) checkBox.setSelected(true); else { System.out.println(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path)); checkBox.setSelected(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path) ? true : false); } } removeAll(); add(checkBox, BorderLayout.WEST); add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER); return this; } } 4.用法 CheckTreeManager checkTreeManager = new CheckTreeManager(jTree);
if(isDescendant(selectionPaths[j], path))
return true;
return false;
// tells whether given path is selected.
// if dig is true, then a path is assumed to be selected, if
// one of its ancestor is selected.
public boolean isPathSelected(TreePath path, boolean dig)
return super.isPathSelected(path);
while(path!=null && !super.isPathSelected(path))
path = path.getParentPath();
return path!=null;
// is path1 descendant of path2
private boolean isDescendant(TreePath path1, TreePath path2)
Object obj1[] = path1.getPath();
Object obj2[] = path2.getPath();
for(int i = 0; i { if(obj1[i]!=obj2[i]) return false; } return true; } public void setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] pPaths) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented yet!!!"); } public void addSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths) { // unselect all descendants of paths[] for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; TreePath[] selectionPaths = getSelectionPaths(); if(selectionPaths==null) break; ArrayList toBeRemoved = new ArrayList(); for(int j = 0; j { if(isDescendant(selectionPaths[j], path)) toBeRemoved.add(selectionPaths[j]); } super.removeSelectionPaths((TreePath[])toBeRemoved.toArray(new TreePath[0])); } // if all siblings are selected then unselect them and select parent recursively // otherwize just select that path. for(int i = 0; i { TreePath path = paths[i]; TreePath temp = null; while(areSiblingsSelected(path)) { temp = path; if(path.getParentPath()==null) break; path = path.getParentPath(); } if(temp!=null) { if(temp.getParentPath()!=null) addSelectionPath(temp.getParentPath()); else { if(!isSelectionEmpty()) removeSelectionPaths(getSelectionPaths()); super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp}); } } else super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); } } // tells whether all siblings of given path are selected. private boolean areSiblingsSelected(TreePath path) { TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); if(parent==null) return true; Object node = path.getLastPathComponent(); Object parentNode = parent.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(parentNohttp://de); for(int i = 0; i { Object childNode = model.getChild(parentNode, i); if(childNode==node) continue; if(!isPathSelected(parent.pathByAddingChild(childNode))) return false; } return true; } public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths) { for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; if(path.getPathCount()==1) super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); else toggleRemoveSelection(path); } } // if any ancestor node of given path is selected then unselect it // and selection all its descendants except given path and descendants. // otherwise just unselect the given path private void toggleRemoveSelection(TreePath path) { Stack stack = new Stack(); TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); while(parent!=null && !isPathSelected(parent)) { stack.push(parent); parent = parent.getParentPath(); } if(parent!=null) stack.push(parent); else{ super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{path}); return; } while(!stack.isEmpty()) { TreePath temp = (TreePath)stack.pop(); TreePath peekPath = stack.isEmpty() ? path : (TreePath)stack.peek(); Object node = temp.getLastPathComponent(); Object peekNode = peekPath.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(node); for(int i = 0; i Object childNode = model.getChild(node, i); if(childNode!=peekNode) super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp.pathByAddingChild(childNode)}); } } super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{parent}); } } 3.CheckTreeCellRenderer .java public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer { private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel; private TreeCellRenderer delegate; // private TristateCheckBox checkBox = new TristateCheckBox(); private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(); public CheckTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer delegate, CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel){ this.delegate = delegate; this.selectionModel = selectionModel; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); checkBox.setOpaque(false); } public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){ Component rendernmsyqLOnUer = delegate.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if(path!=null) { System.out.println(path); if(selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true)) checkBox.setSelected(true); else { System.out.println(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path)); checkBox.setSelected(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path) ? true : false); } } removeAll(); add(checkBox, BorderLayout.WEST); add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER); return this; } } 4.用法 CheckTreeManager checkTreeManager = new CheckTreeManager(jTree);
return false;
return true;
public void setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] pPaths)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented yet!!!");
public void addSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
// unselect all descendants of paths[]
for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; TreePath[] selectionPaths = getSelectionPaths(); if(selectionPaths==null) break; ArrayList toBeRemoved = new ArrayList(); for(int j = 0; j { if(isDescendant(selectionPaths[j], path)) toBeRemoved.add(selectionPaths[j]); } super.removeSelectionPaths((TreePath[])toBeRemoved.toArray(new TreePath[0])); } // if all siblings are selected then unselect them and select parent recursively // otherwize just select that path. for(int i = 0; i { TreePath path = paths[i]; TreePath temp = null; while(areSiblingsSelected(path)) { temp = path; if(path.getParentPath()==null) break; path = path.getParentPath(); } if(temp!=null) { if(temp.getParentPath()!=null) addSelectionPath(temp.getParentPath()); else { if(!isSelectionEmpty()) removeSelectionPaths(getSelectionPaths()); super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp}); } } else super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); } } // tells whether all siblings of given path are selected. private boolean areSiblingsSelected(TreePath path) { TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); if(parent==null) return true; Object node = path.getLastPathComponent(); Object parentNode = parent.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(parentNohttp://de); for(int i = 0; i { Object childNode = model.getChild(parentNode, i); if(childNode==node) continue; if(!isPathSelected(parent.pathByAddingChild(childNode))) return false; } return true; } public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths) { for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; if(path.getPathCount()==1) super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); else toggleRemoveSelection(path); } } // if any ancestor node of given path is selected then unselect it // and selection all its descendants except given path and descendants. // otherwise just unselect the given path private void toggleRemoveSelection(TreePath path) { Stack stack = new Stack(); TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); while(parent!=null && !isPathSelected(parent)) { stack.push(parent); parent = parent.getParentPath(); } if(parent!=null) stack.push(parent); else{ super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{path}); return; } while(!stack.isEmpty()) { TreePath temp = (TreePath)stack.pop(); TreePath peekPath = stack.isEmpty() ? path : (TreePath)stack.peek(); Object node = temp.getLastPathComponent(); Object peekNode = peekPath.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(node); for(int i = 0; i Object childNode = model.getChild(node, i); if(childNode!=peekNode) super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp.pathByAddingChild(childNode)}); } } super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{parent}); } } 3.CheckTreeCellRenderer .java public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer { private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel; private TreeCellRenderer delegate; // private TristateCheckBox checkBox = new TristateCheckBox(); private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(); public CheckTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer delegate, CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel){ this.delegate = delegate; this.selectionModel = selectionModel; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); checkBox.setOpaque(false); } public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){ Component rendernmsyqLOnUer = delegate.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if(path!=null) { System.out.println(path); if(selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true)) checkBox.setSelected(true); else { System.out.println(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path)); checkBox.setSelected(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path) ? true : false); } } removeAll(); add(checkBox, BorderLayout.WEST); add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER); return this; } } 4.用法 CheckTreeManager checkTreeManager = new CheckTreeManager(jTree);
TreePath path = paths[i];
TreePath[] selectionPaths = getSelectionPaths();
ArrayList toBeRemoved = new ArrayList();
for(int j = 0; j { if(isDescendant(selectionPaths[j], path)) toBeRemoved.add(selectionPaths[j]); } super.removeSelectionPaths((TreePath[])toBeRemoved.toArray(new TreePath[0])); } // if all siblings are selected then unselect them and select parent recursively // otherwize just select that path. for(int i = 0; i { TreePath path = paths[i]; TreePath temp = null; while(areSiblingsSelected(path)) { temp = path; if(path.getParentPath()==null) break; path = path.getParentPath(); } if(temp!=null) { if(temp.getParentPath()!=null) addSelectionPath(temp.getParentPath()); else { if(!isSelectionEmpty()) removeSelectionPaths(getSelectionPaths()); super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp}); } } else super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); } } // tells whether all siblings of given path are selected. private boolean areSiblingsSelected(TreePath path) { TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); if(parent==null) return true; Object node = path.getLastPathComponent(); Object parentNode = parent.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(parentNohttp://de); for(int i = 0; i { Object childNode = model.getChild(parentNode, i); if(childNode==node) continue; if(!isPathSelected(parent.pathByAddingChild(childNode))) return false; } return true; } public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths) { for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; if(path.getPathCount()==1) super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); else toggleRemoveSelection(path); } } // if any ancestor node of given path is selected then unselect it // and selection all its descendants except given path and descendants. // otherwise just unselect the given path private void toggleRemoveSelection(TreePath path) { Stack stack = new Stack(); TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); while(parent!=null && !isPathSelected(parent)) { stack.push(parent); parent = parent.getParentPath(); } if(parent!=null) stack.push(parent); else{ super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{path}); return; } while(!stack.isEmpty()) { TreePath temp = (TreePath)stack.pop(); TreePath peekPath = stack.isEmpty() ? path : (TreePath)stack.peek(); Object node = temp.getLastPathComponent(); Object peekNode = peekPath.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(node); for(int i = 0; i Object childNode = model.getChild(node, i); if(childNode!=peekNode) super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp.pathByAddingChild(childNode)}); } } super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{parent}); } } 3.CheckTreeCellRenderer .java public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer { private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel; private TreeCellRenderer delegate; // private TristateCheckBox checkBox = new TristateCheckBox(); private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(); public CheckTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer delegate, CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel){ this.delegate = delegate; this.selectionModel = selectionModel; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); checkBox.setOpaque(false); } public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){ Component rendernmsyqLOnUer = delegate.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if(path!=null) { System.out.println(path); if(selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true)) checkBox.setSelected(true); else { System.out.println(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path)); checkBox.setSelected(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path) ? true : false); } } removeAll(); add(checkBox, BorderLayout.WEST); add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER); return this; } } 4.用法 CheckTreeManager checkTreeManager = new CheckTreeManager(jTree);
if(isDescendant(selectionPaths[j], path))
super.removeSelectionPaths((TreePath[])toBeRemoved.toArray(new TreePath[0]));
// if all siblings are selected then unselect them and select parent recursively
// otherwize just select that path.
for(int i = 0; i { TreePath path = paths[i]; TreePath temp = null; while(areSiblingsSelected(path)) { temp = path; if(path.getParentPath()==null) break; path = path.getParentPath(); } if(temp!=null) { if(temp.getParentPath()!=null) addSelectionPath(temp.getParentPath()); else { if(!isSelectionEmpty()) removeSelectionPaths(getSelectionPaths()); super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp}); } } else super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); } } // tells whether all siblings of given path are selected. private boolean areSiblingsSelected(TreePath path) { TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); if(parent==null) return true; Object node = path.getLastPathComponent(); Object parentNode = parent.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(parentNohttp://de); for(int i = 0; i { Object childNode = model.getChild(parentNode, i); if(childNode==node) continue; if(!isPathSelected(parent.pathByAddingChild(childNode))) return false; } return true; } public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths) { for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; if(path.getPathCount()==1) super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); else toggleRemoveSelection(path); } } // if any ancestor node of given path is selected then unselect it // and selection all its descendants except given path and descendants. // otherwise just unselect the given path private void toggleRemoveSelection(TreePath path) { Stack stack = new Stack(); TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); while(parent!=null && !isPathSelected(parent)) { stack.push(parent); parent = parent.getParentPath(); } if(parent!=null) stack.push(parent); else{ super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{path}); return; } while(!stack.isEmpty()) { TreePath temp = (TreePath)stack.pop(); TreePath peekPath = stack.isEmpty() ? path : (TreePath)stack.peek(); Object node = temp.getLastPathComponent(); Object peekNode = peekPath.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(node); for(int i = 0; i Object childNode = model.getChild(node, i); if(childNode!=peekNode) super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp.pathByAddingChild(childNode)}); } } super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{parent}); } } 3.CheckTreeCellRenderer .java public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer { private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel; private TreeCellRenderer delegate; // private TristateCheckBox checkBox = new TristateCheckBox(); private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(); public CheckTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer delegate, CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel){ this.delegate = delegate; this.selectionModel = selectionModel; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); checkBox.setOpaque(false); } public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){ Component rendernmsyqLOnUer = delegate.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if(path!=null) { System.out.println(path); if(selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true)) checkBox.setSelected(true); else { System.out.println(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path)); checkBox.setSelected(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path) ? true : false); } } removeAll(); add(checkBox, BorderLayout.WEST); add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER); return this; } } 4.用法 CheckTreeManager checkTreeManager = new CheckTreeManager(jTree);
TreePath path = paths[i];
TreePath temp = null;
temp = path;
path = path.getParentPath();
super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp});
super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path});
// tells whether all siblings of given path are selected.
private boolean areSiblingsSelected(TreePath path)
TreePath parent = path.getParentPath();
return true;
Object node = path.getLastPathComponent();
Object parentNode = parent.getLastPathComponent();
int childCount = model.getChildCount(parentNohttp://de);
for(int i = 0; i { Object childNode = model.getChild(parentNode, i); if(childNode==node) continue; if(!isPathSelected(parent.pathByAddingChild(childNode))) return false; } return true; } public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths) { for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; if(path.getPathCount()==1) super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); else toggleRemoveSelection(path); } } // if any ancestor node of given path is selected then unselect it // and selection all its descendants except given path and descendants. // otherwise just unselect the given path private void toggleRemoveSelection(TreePath path) { Stack stack = new Stack(); TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); while(parent!=null && !isPathSelected(parent)) { stack.push(parent); parent = parent.getParentPath(); } if(parent!=null) stack.push(parent); else{ super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{path}); return; } while(!stack.isEmpty()) { TreePath temp = (TreePath)stack.pop(); TreePath peekPath = stack.isEmpty() ? path : (TreePath)stack.peek(); Object node = temp.getLastPathComponent(); Object peekNode = peekPath.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(node); for(int i = 0; i Object childNode = model.getChild(node, i); if(childNode!=peekNode) super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp.pathByAddingChild(childNode)}); } } super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{parent}); } } 3.CheckTreeCellRenderer .java public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer { private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel; private TreeCellRenderer delegate; // private TristateCheckBox checkBox = new TristateCheckBox(); private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(); public CheckTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer delegate, CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel){ this.delegate = delegate; this.selectionModel = selectionModel; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); checkBox.setOpaque(false); } public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){ Component rendernmsyqLOnUer = delegate.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if(path!=null) { System.out.println(path); if(selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true)) checkBox.setSelected(true); else { System.out.println(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path)); checkBox.setSelected(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path) ? true : false); } } removeAll(); add(checkBox, BorderLayout.WEST); add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER); return this; } } 4.用法 CheckTreeManager checkTreeManager = new CheckTreeManager(jTree);
Object childNode = model.getChild(parentNode, i);
return false;
return true;
public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
for(int i = 0; i TreePath path = paths[i]; if(path.getPathCount()==1) super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path}); else toggleRemoveSelection(path); } } // if any ancestor node of given path is selected then unselect it // and selection all its descendants except given path and descendants. // otherwise just unselect the given path private void toggleRemoveSelection(TreePath path) { Stack stack = new Stack(); TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); while(parent!=null && !isPathSelected(parent)) { stack.push(parent); parent = parent.getParentPath(); } if(parent!=null) stack.push(parent); else{ super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{path}); return; } while(!stack.isEmpty()) { TreePath temp = (TreePath)stack.pop(); TreePath peekPath = stack.isEmpty() ? path : (TreePath)stack.peek(); Object node = temp.getLastPathComponent(); Object peekNode = peekPath.getLastPathComponent(); int childCount = model.getChildCount(node); for(int i = 0; i Object childNode = model.getChild(node, i); if(childNode!=peekNode) super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp.pathByAddingChild(childNode)}); } } super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{parent}); } } 3.CheckTreeCellRenderer .java public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer { private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel; private TreeCellRenderer delegate; // private TristateCheckBox checkBox = new TristateCheckBox(); private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(); public CheckTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer delegate, CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel){ this.delegate = delegate; this.selectionModel = selectionModel; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); checkBox.setOpaque(false); } public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){ Component rendernmsyqLOnUer = delegate.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if(path!=null) { System.out.println(path); if(selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true)) checkBox.setSelected(true); else { System.out.println(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path)); checkBox.setSelected(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path) ? true : false); } } removeAll(); add(checkBox, BorderLayout.WEST); add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER); return this; } } 4.用法 CheckTreeManager checkTreeManager = new CheckTreeManager(jTree);
TreePath path = paths[i];
super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{ path});
// if any ancestor node of given path is selected then unselect it
// and selection all its descendants except given path and descendants.
// otherwise just unselect the given path
private void toggleRemoveSelection(TreePath path)
Stack stack = new Stack();
TreePath parent = path.getParentPath();
while(parent!=null && !isPathSelected(parent))
parent = parent.getParentPath();
super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{path});
TreePath temp = (TreePath)stack.pop();
TreePath peekPath = stack.isEmpty() ? path : (TreePath)stack.peek();
Object node = temp.getLastPathComponent();
Object peekNode = peekPath.getLastPathComponent();
int childCount = model.getChildCount(node);
for(int i = 0; i Object childNode = model.getChild(node, i); if(childNode!=peekNode) super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp.pathByAddingChild(childNode)}); } } super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{parent}); } } 3.CheckTreeCellRenderer .java public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer { private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel; private TreeCellRenderer delegate; // private TristateCheckBox checkBox = new TristateCheckBox(); private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(); public CheckTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer delegate, CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel){ this.delegate = delegate; this.selectionModel = selectionModel; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); checkBox.setOpaque(false); } public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){ Component rendernmsyqLOnUer = delegate.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if(path!=null) { System.out.println(path); if(selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true)) checkBox.setSelected(true); else { System.out.println(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path)); checkBox.setSelected(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path) ? true : false); } } removeAll(); add(checkBox, BorderLayout.WEST); add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER); return this; } } 4.用法 CheckTreeManager checkTreeManager = new CheckTreeManager(jTree);
Object childNode = model.getChild(node, i);
super.addSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{temp.pathByAddingChild(childNode)});
super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[]{parent});
3.CheckTreeCellRenderer .java
public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer
private CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel;
private TreeCellRenderer delegate;
// private TristateCheckBox checkBox = new TristateCheckBox();
private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox();
public CheckTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer delegate, CheckTreeSelectionModel selectionModel){
this.delegate = delegate;
this.selectionModel = selectionModel;
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){
Component rendernmsyqLOnUer = delegate.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus);
TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row);
if(selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true))
checkBox.setSelected(selectionModel.isPartiallySelected(path) ? true : false);
add(checkBox, BorderLayout.WEST);
add(renderer, BorderLayout.CENTER);
return this;
CheckTreeManager checkTreeManager = new CheckTreeManager(jTree);
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